Major code BS6178
Patton College of Education
Department of Teacher Education
McCracken Hall 206
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: 740.597.2198
Fax: 740.593.0477
John Henning, contact person
Program Overview
The Middle Childhood Education program includes six majors with academic specializations in any two of the following content specializations: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Successful completion of the program and passing scores on PRAXIS II exams and a Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) will qualify you for an Ohio four-year Resident Educator teaching license. This major will prepare you to teach Language Arts and Social Studies in grades 4-9 in Ohio.
Admission Information
Freshman/First-Year Admission
Most courses during the freshman year should be selected to meet the requirements of General Education, Tier I and Tier II. Requirements for admission to Professional Education include: successful completion of 30 semester hours with a 2.75 GPA or higher, a Tier I Math course (1M) with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, a Tier I Freshmen Composition course (1E) with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, and the following: EDTE 1500 - Introduction to Teacher Education and PSY 1010 - General Psychology.
Change of Program Policy
To obtain information about a change of major/minor/certificate policy, contact the Office of Student Affairs in the College of Education.
External Transfer Admission
To obtain information about external transfer admission, contact the Office of Student Affairs in the College of Education.
Opportunities Upon Graduation
See Program Overview.