Program Overview: The graduate program in Music Theory is intended for those students whose interest in music theory leads them to desire to teach and perform research at the college or university level. The program is designed to prepare students for further work at the Ph.D. level in the field. Admittance to the program requires a sample essay, preferably on a music analysis topic, and a personal interview including a demonstration of aural and keyboard proficiency. The program requires courses in analysis, music history, composition electives, and proficiency in reading either German or French. A thesis is required for graduation.
Admissions Policy: The candidate must schedule a personal interview with members of the music theory faculty, during which the candidate will be asked to
- demonstrate functional keyboard facility sufficient to perform examples in chorale texture and brief examples from the literature at an intermediate skill level; and
- demonstrate an ability to sight sing and identify chords, intervals, and take melodic and harmonic dictation. Also, the candidate music submit a paper for essay on a music topic, preferably involving analysis.
Change Policy: The candidate must schedule a personal interview with members of the music theory faculty, during which the candidate will be asked to
- demonstrate functional keyboard facility sufficient to perform examples in chorale texture and brief examples from the literature at an intermediate skill level; and
- demonstrate an ability to sight sing and identify chords, intervals, and take melodic and harmonic dictation. Also, the candidate music submit a paper for essay on a music topic, preferably involving analysis.
Transfer Policy: The candidate must schedule a personal interview with members of the music theory faculty, during which the candidate will be asked to
- demonstrate functional keyboard facility sufficient to perform examples in chorale texture and brief examples from the literature at an intermediate skill level; and
- demonstrate an ability to sight sing and identify chords, intervals, and take melodic and harmonic dictation. Also, the candidate music submit a paper for essay on a music topic, preferably involving analysis.
Opportunities: The graduate program in Music Theory is intended for those students whose interest in music theory leads them