Program Overview: The Master of Arts (M.A.) in political science is a 48 credit-hour program that features 20 hours of required graduate courses. These include a research, scope, and theory course, a course in methods, and three courses in sub-specialization fields of the discipline. Remaining credit hours can be acquired through a combination of political science electives and courses in a student’s specialization, including approved internships. The program also offers students either a thesis or non-thesis option as alternative routes to completing their degrees. The thesis option provides students the opportunity to pursue a substantial research project in their area of specialization and work closely with faculty. The non-thesis option gives students the opportunity to demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in their area of specialization by taking a comprehensive written examination and submitting two substantial research papers.
Admissions Policy: Applicants are expected to have some academic training in Political Science. Generally, a minimum of 24 quarter hours or 15 semester hours of undergraduate work in political science (approximately six courses) or the equivalent is expected, although exceptions can be made for those with coursework in closely related fields or with practical political or administrative experience. GRE is required for students with below a 3.0 undergraduate GPA.
Change Policy: No selective or limited admission requirements.
Transfer Policy: No requirements beyond University admission requirements.
Opportunities: Students will be prepared to enter law schools and doctoral programs in political science. They will be also prepared to work for political campaigns, interest groups, non-profits, and public policy think tanks; entry-level state legislative and bureaucratic jobs; entry-level federal legislative and bureaucratic jobs.