Program Overview: The M.A. in Film Studies is a two-year program in film history, film analysis, and film theory designed to prepare students for further study at the doctoral level or for careers in which a film studies background may be relevant. The M.A. in Film Studies is comprised of fifty hours of coursework and a written thesis on a topic chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor. Successful completion of the program requires satisfactory completion of coursework, participation in a first-year review discussion with faculty, and completion and successful defense of the thesis.
Admissions Policy: Potential candidates must possess a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited American or international university. The following materials also must be submitted:
- Résumé or curriculum vita.
- Official transcripts of all previous degree/certificate work.
- A maximum 500-word personal essay on your goals in pursuing graduate study in film.
- A maximum 500-word personal statement.
- Three current letters of recommendation.
- A sample of written work consisting of a paper or papers on any subject (e.g., research paper, article, critical analysis)
- International students must submit evidence of proficiency in the English language. Well qualified students are expected to have scores of 580 or above on the paper TOEFL, 237 or above on the computer TOEFL, 92 or above on the Internet-based TOEFL (iBT), or 7.0 across all bands on the IELTS-Academic test.
- International students must submit an affidavit of financial support as evidence of financial responsibility. (See: O.U. Graduate Catalog, pg. 7)
- All applicants must follow the Admission Policies and Procedures specified in the O.U. Graduate Catalog. Application Deadline: February 1 (Fall Admission only)
For More Information, visit School of Film website:
To request an application packet, download application forms or other application information, please visit the Office of Graduate Studies website:
Change Policy: Not applicable.
Transfer Policy: Transfer requests will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Opportunities: The M.A. in Film Studies is a two-year program in film history, analysis, and theory designed to prepare graduates for doctoral-level study or for relevant careers such as film criticism and arts-related writing; arts, museum, or film festival management; the coordination of film or media productions; and library, archive, or film preservation work.