Mar 07, 2025  
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12 
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12 [Archived Catalog]

Specialized Studies Major (B.S.S.)

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Major code BS1112

The Bachelor of Specialized Studies program affords undergraduate students at Ohio University the opportunity to design an area of concentration, which stands as the equivalent of an established major. The program permits you to combine available curricula to create a unique field of study.

Typically, the Bachelor of Specialized Studies degree is not an appropriate degree program for someone who has previously completed a bachelor’s degree. In special circumstances, a person who has completed a prior bachelor’s degree may petition the director of degree programs to seek permission to apply for and complete the B.S.S. degree. The B.S.S. program is not an appropriate choice as a second degree program (double major).

The Bachelor of Specialized Studies degree program reflects the recognition that degree programs, as varied as they are at Ohio University, cannot satisfy the legitimate educational requirements of all students. Through specialized studies, you may construct an individualized degree.

To enter the specialized studies program, you must complete an application, available in the University College office, the University College Web site (, or at a regional campus student services office. Athens students must attend a required BSS information meeting before completing an application or meeting one-on-one with a University College advisor about the B.S.S. The application must be reviewed by a University College advisor, Adult Learning Services advisor, or regional campus student services staff member. You must consult with and gain approval from two faculty members in the preparation of your program, one of whom must be from your area of concentration. The faculty members must be Group 1 or 2. Final admission is granted only upon successful review of the application by the Bachelor of Specialized Studies review committee, which meets quarterly to consider applications. You will receive a letter indicating the decision of the review committee.

As a student in the Bachelor of Specialized Studies program, you may complete one or more academic minors, as long as the courses taken to meet the minor requirements are not included in the Bachelor of Specialized Studies area of concentration. You need to indicate your intention to complete a minor at the time you submit your Bachelor of Specialized Studies application. Courses required to earn a certificate may be included in the area of concentration.

Up to 48 hours of credit earned through the Experiential Learning Program may be applied to the Bachelor of Specialized Studies degree program. A maximum of 44 quarter hours from the College of Business may be included in a Bachelor of Specialized Studies degree program.

Bachelor of Specialized Studies students may earn departmental honors through University College. Students must have an accumulated GPA within the top 20 percent of B.S.S. students to be eligible to earn departmental honors. An honors thesis is required. Guidelines and an application are available from the college office or on the Web at

To submit an application to the specialized studies program for consideration, you must:

  1. Be currently registered as a degree-seeking student;
  2. Have achieved sophomore or higher rank; and
  3. Have earned an accumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.

To graduate with a Bachelor of Specialized Studies degree, you must:

  1. Earn 192 credit hours, of which at least 80 must be courses with catalog numbers at the 300 level or above, as shown in this catalog. This does not include graduate level courses.
  2. Complete no fewer than 45 hours of credit (the degree residency requirement) after being admitted to the specialized studies program. This total excludes any transfer credit, transient credit, Course Credit by Examination, Independent Study coursework, etc., for which the initial registration occurred prior to application to the specialized studies program.
  3. Complete a minimum of 45 credit hours in the self-designed area of concentration approved by the Bachelor of Specialized Studies review committee. The area of concentration can include courses that are completed, current, and planned at the time of application. The courses included as current and planned in the concentration become requirements for graduation subject to change only by prior permission from a University College advisor and, in some cases, the Bachelor of Specialized Studies review committee. At least 50 percent of the coursework taken for the B.S.S. Area of Concentration must be completed at Ohio University.
  4. Complete the University General Education requirements.
  5. Complete the minimum of 48 credit hours of Ohio University coursework to satisfy the University residency requirement.
  6. Earn at least a 2.0 GPA in the Area of Concentration and overall.

To have current credit hours included as part of the 45 hour B.S.S. residency requirement, applications must be submitted by the last day of classes in fall, winter, spring quarter, or the full summer quarter.


The Richard Brackin Scholarship
A scholarship awarded each spring to a nontraditional B.S.S. student, subject to available funding. Applications are available from a B.S.S. advisor or on the Web (

Special Projects Fund
B.S.S. students may apply for funding for up to $500 to support a research project or experiential learning activity related to their programs of study. An application is required and can be obtained from an advisor or on the Web (  The Special Projects Fund is subject to available funding.

Universitywide Graduation Requirements

To complete this program, students must meet all Universitywide graduation requirements .

Available Courses

  • Credit Hours: 2
  • In a small, interactive class environment, B.S.S. seniors work with each other to reflect on academic experiences and prepare for life beyond Ohio University. Open to all B.S.S. seniors, the course is taught winter and spring quarters on the Athens campus. This course is also offered via correspondence through the Lifelong & Distance Learning Office.

  • Credit Hours: 1 - 10
  • This course is available to all B.S.S. students who develop work or volunteer experience related to their B.S.S. curriculum, and who desire to earn up to 10 credit hours for their experience. An internship proposal and 2.5 accumulative GPA are required. Applications are available on the Web ( and in University College, 140 Chubb Hall.

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