Major code AI5508
If you wish to pursue a two-year program of study in a field other than those available through one of the other associate’s degree options, you may design your own program of study to meet particular goals through the Associate in Individualized Studies degree program, available on the Athens, Chillicothe, Lancaster, Southern, and Zanesville campuses.
To be admitted to the program, you must complete an application–available in the University College office, on the University College Web site (, or in a regional campus student services office–and schedule an interview with a University College, Adult Learning Services, or regional campus advisor. Admission to the program is granted only upon review of the application by the A.I.S. review committee.
Although there are no specific course or academic area requirements (other than Tier I freshman English composition and quantitative skills), the application must outline your intended course of study, and it must include a proposed area of concentration.
You must consult with two faculty members in the preparation of your program, one of whom must be from your area of concentration. Both faculty members must be Group 1 or 2.
To submit an application for admission to the program, you must currently be registered as a degree-seeking student. To graduate with an Associate in Individualized Studies degree, you must:
- Earn 96 quarter hours,
- Earn at least 30 quarter hours after admission to the A.I.S. program (degree residency requirement),
- Complete University Tier I freshman-level requirements in English composition and quantitative skills, and
- Complete an approved area of concentration, consisting of at least 30 credit hours, which has coherence and educational purpose equivalent to an established degree program. At least 50 percent of coursework for the AIS area of concentration must be completed at Ohio University.
- Earn at least a 2.0 GPA in the Area of Concentration and overall to earn the degree.
Applications may be submitted at any time during the quarter. To have current credit hours included as part of the residency requirement, applications must be submitted by the last day of classes of fall, winter, spring, or summer quarter.
A maximum of 24 credits earned through the Experiential Learning Program may be applied to the A.I.S. degree.