Mar 07, 2025  
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2013-14 
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2013-14 [Archived Catalog]

Nursing, School of

College of Health and Human Services
Grover Center E365
Phone: 740.593.4494
Fax: 740.593.0286

Deborah Henderson, Interim Director
Cheryl Brimner, Administrative Coordinator
Kathy Chapman, Administrative Associate

The School of Nursing offers a  B.S.N. program (BS1221) designed for pre-licensure students.  The School of Nursing also offers an RN-to-B.S.N. program (BS1203 or BS1222) designed for licensed RNs who are graduates of state-approved associate’s degree or diploma schools of nursing. The purpose is to prepare generalists for the professional practice of nursing and to provide a foundation for graduate study. The programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and the Ohio Board of Nursing.

The major in nursing includes upper-division coursework in nursing, University General Education requirements, and  courses outside of nursing. It is possible to complete a minor in another discipline while completing the major in nursing (RN-to-B.S.N.). The School of Nursing offers interactive online (Web-based) courses in the RN-to-B.S.N. program (BS1222). This method of course delivery increases the availability of professional development and career mobility for registered nurses. The School of Nursing offers a combination of interactive online courses and classes on campus in the pre-licensure B.S.N. program.

Admission to the pre-licensure nursing program includes specific high school coursework, minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 point scale, and test scores. See the School of Nursing website for specific information regarding the requirements for entering freshmen and transfer students.

Several nursing courses in the pre-licensure B.S.N. program have a clinical component. Clinical experiences occur in a broad range of traditional and nontraditional health care and health maintenance settings.  Students are responsible for transportation to the clinical experiences which could include settings outside of Athens.

Admission to and progression through the RN-to-B.S.N.program is administered through Ohio University’s Office of eLearning. See the program’s website for admission information: Students will apply to the program, and upon admission, receive an information packet detailing policies, procedures, and instructions.

Regardless of program, students must earn a grade of 2.67 (B-) or better in each course offered by the School of Nursing (NRSE series). Students in the pre-licensure program that do not receive a B- in nursing coursework must retake the course before progressing to the next course. Due to the rotating fashion of courses in the RN-to-B.S.N. program, students in this program may continue taking NRSE courses but must retake the course in which they received lower than a B-.

Note: Most undergraduate courses offered through the School of Nursing can be retaken one time (initial registration and one retake). Variable credit courses usually cannot be retaken (with the possibility of the initial grade no longer being figured in the accumulative grade point calculation), but can be repeated for credit to count toward the degree.

Upon completing the pre-licensure B.S.N. program requirements or the RN-to-B.S.N. program requirements, students will receive the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

School Nurse License

If you are licensed as an RN in Ohio, you are eligible to apply for admission to the School Nurse License program. You can complete the program under one of three plans:

  1. If you are an RN with a B.S.N. degree, take only the additional courses required to meet the Ohio Department of Education’s licensure requirements.
  2. If you are an RN who wishes to complete the B.S.N. and the School Nurse License simultaneously, follow the B.S.N. program of study and use the required School Nurse License courses as part of that degree.
  3. If you are an RN who seeks to complete a B.S. degree not in nursing, consult with both your major advisor and the School Nurse License advisor to develop a program.

If you do not have a B.S. degree in some area, you will have to earn one. This involves meeting University General Education requirements and graduation requirements, in addition to the major requirements and School Nurse Licensure requirements. Your file will be reviewed, and credit transferred from other accredited institutions will be used to meet requirements wherever possible.

If you hold a B.S.N., you will likely have met the nursing course requirements (NRSE) listed below. If you earned your B.S.N. at another university, course descriptions from previous schools might be required to determine equivalent coursework.

Required Courses

CFS 3601 Human Sexualities 
HLTH 2040 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs 
HLTH 3450 School Health 
NRSE 4510 Professional Nursing Practice 
NRSE 4710 Introduction to School Nursing 
NRSE 4520 Health Assessment and Promotion 
NRSE 4530 Family Nursing 
NRSE 4540 Community Health Nursing 
PSY 2410 Child and Adolescent Psychology 
PSY 2420 Educational Psychology 
PSY 2720 Psychology of Personality 
PSY 2710 Abnormal Psychology