Mar 07, 2025  
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12 
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12 [Archived Catalog]

University College

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Chubb Hall 140
Phone: 740.593.1935
Fax: 740.593.0206

David Descutner, Dean and Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies
Tanya Barnett, Director of Communication/Academic Adviser
Laura Chapman, Assistant Dean, Student Services/Academic Adviser
Lora Clapp, Assistant Dean, First Year and Retention Programs/Academic Adviser
Sandi Hall, Assistant Director, Allen Student Help Center/Academic Adviser
Lisa Kamody, Campus-Community Involvement,Academic Adviser
Cynthia King, Assistant Dean and Director, Academic Advancement Center
Jenny Klein, Director, Bobcat Student Orientation/Director, Allen Student Help Center
Wendy Merb-Brown, Director, Learning Community Programs
Greg Oberlin, Academic Adviser/Assistant Director, Bobcat Student Orientation
Doug Orr, Director, First Year Seminar/Academic Adviser
Char Rae, Director, Degree Programs/Academic Adviser
Sandy Rawlins, Academic Adviser
Amanda Remnant, Academic Adviser
Wendy Rogers, Assistant Director, Learning Community Programs/Academic Adviser
Amy Six, Academic Adviser

University College serves both undecided students who are exploring the University’s options before selecting a major and degree program and students who are seeking to earn the Bachelor of Specialized Studies, the Bachelor of Criminal Justice, or an associate’s degree.

University College advances the mission of Ohio University by providing institutional leadership across colleges in order to promote teaching and learning. The college provides a number of Universitywide services. University College staff members manage orientation and advising programs, such as Bobcat Student Orientation, that assist you in reviewing your interests, planning academic programs, and adjusting to University life. In addition, the College oversees the University’s General Education program and fosters student success through such initiatives as learning communities, study skills and tutoring programs, and workshops.


Associate in Arts - Arts and Humanities Emphasis 
Associate in Arts - Social Sciences Emphasis 
Associate in Individualized Studies 
Associate in Science 
Bachelor of Criminal Justice 
Bachelor of Specialized Studies 

Admission Requirements

Any Ohio University student who has fewer than 60 credit hours may be admitted to University College as an undecided student. A separate application is required to enter the Associate in Individualized Studies  program, the Bachelor of Criminal Justice  program, or the Bachelor of Specialized Studies  program.


The highest priority in University College is academic advising. University College professional advisers and faculty advisers strive to inform you about academic options and to assist you with decisions about how you can best use the University to promote your learning and development.

Undecided students, students who wish to investigate academic options before selecting a major, and students who do not meet the admission requirements for selective majors are admitted to University College. Undecided first-year students often are assigned two advisers. One is a member of the faculty or University administrative staff; the other is a member of the University College professional advising staff. Both will provide information and advice about University programs, choosing a major program of study, and University requirements.

All University College first-year, transfer and relocating students, as well as students on academic probation, are required to meet with their academic adviser before they are permitted to register for the next quarter. While adviser conferences are particularly important before registration, it is recommended that you maintain regular contact with your adviser for assistance with concerns related to academic and career planning. If you are undecided or an associate’s degree, specialized studies, criminal justice, or nondegree student, you are assigned a University College professional adviser to help you plan an appropriate program. In addition, students in any other college may consult with a University College adviser when their questions touch on Universitywide issues or University College programs, or when they are investigating a change of program.

If you are in University College as an undecided student but have a tentative major in mind, you should refer to those requirements outlined elsewhere in this catalog. If you are interested in determining your progress toward one or more majors, the college office can provide you with a “what if” DARS checksheet for that major. You can also access “what if” DARS checksheets at

Your professional or faculty adviser assists in the preparation of a schedule each quarter, so that you select the proper sequence of courses in the major and appropriately related courses. However, it is the student’s responsibility to know and follow current requirements and procedures at the departmental, college, and University levels.

Academic and Other Requirements

Declaring a Major

Undecided students in University College who enroll at Ohio University as first-year students must declare a major by the time they earn 60 hours. External transfer students may complete two quarters of full-time enrollment before they must declare a major, regardless of their total hours earned. At 60 hours (or the third quarter of enrollment for transfer students), a hold will be placed on a student’s registration until he or she declares a major. University College offers “Choosing a Major” activities to explain the step-by-step process of making an informed decision about major selection.

University College Learning Communities

All new University College first-year students, transfer students with fewer than 30 credit hours, and students relocating from a regional OHIO campus must enroll in a learning community for their first quarter on the Athens campus.

Academic Probation

All students who, at the time of review, do not have a 2.0 or higher GPA, will be placed on academic probation and will be required to complete an Academic Success Workshop coordinated by the Allen Student Help Center. This 90 minute workshop is mandatory each time a student is placed on academic probation and is intended to help students improve their academic performance and return to good academic standing as quickly as possible. Failure to attend a workshop will result in a registration hold, which will not be lifted until the workshop is complete.  Information about the workshop will be sent to students’ permanent address, local address, and/or university email account. See the Allen Student Help Center Web site at for workshop dates and times. Please contact the Allen Student Help Center with any questions or concerns:  419 Baker University Center, 740.566.8888,

Academic Resources

Academic Advancement Center (AAC)

The Academic Advancement Center  helps students maximize their academic potential by providing a variety of support services, including courses, tutoring, free study sessions for selected courses, and a computer lab.

Special Programs

College Adjustment Program (CAP)

CAP has provided services and opportunities to help qualified Ohio University students adjust to the challenges of college life since 1979. Along the way, CAP has developed a strong record of aiding in student retention and graduation. CAP is located in the Academic Advancement Center (Alden Library 101) and is supported by Ohio University and by a Student Support Services TRIO grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

The following are some examples of the services CAP offers to assist students as they work toward graduation:

  1. Academic courses in learning strategies, reading skills, and computing
  2. Free individual tutoring
  3. Math workshops to help students prepare for the Tier I quantitative skills requirement
  4. An instructional computer lab with free printing
  5. In-depth, one-on-one academic advising
  6. Career planning and guidance, including assistance selecting a major
  7. Intensive support for students on probation
  8. Peer advisers to help students find their ways
  9. Tickets to unique cultural and social events on campus and around town
  10. A technology loan program featuring laptop computers and graphing calculators.

Eligibility for CAP is determined according to a two-tier system. Students must satisfy both tiers to be eligible for CAP. As CAP is a small program and space is limited, eligibility does not guarantee admission. CAP serves approximately 275 students annually.

Tier 1:
To meet this requirement a student must demonstrate an academic need. This is defined as:

  1. having an ACT Composite less than or equal to 22 or
  2. having a SAT Combined Score less than or equal to 1100 or
  3. being ranked in the bottom 60% of his/her high school class or
  4. possessing a General Education Diploma (GED) or
  5. being on academic probation (continuing students).

If a student satisfies the Tier 1 requirement, he/she must also meet at least one of the Tier 2 requirements.

Tier 2:
To satisfy this requirement a student must:

  1. be a first-generation college student (neither parent graduated from a four-year school) or
  2. come from a family whose income meets federal guidelines for low-income level or
  3. have a documented disability and be registered with Ohio University’s Office of Disability Services.

Applicants must also be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Most students are admitted to CAP prior to the start of their first quarter at Ohio University. Continuing students who meet the eligibility requirements may be admitted, as long as they have earned fewer than 60 hours of credit.

For more information about CAP, please visit You may also contact the Academic Advancement Center at 740.593.2644 or the Assistant Director of CAP via e-mail at

General Education

In 1979, the faculty of Ohio University adopted a comprehensive General Education program required of all baccalaureate degree students (see Graduation Requirements - Universitywide ). University College is responsible for coordinating this program. The goal of General Education is to broaden and enrich the educational experience of all undergraduate students.

Bobcat Student Orientation

Each summer, University College conducts Bobcat Student Orientation, designed to acquaint new students and their parents with the programs of the University. You will meet with faculty, staff, and student advisers to plan an academic program, complete a class schedule, and register for your first quarter. You will also learn about the wide variety of social and group activities available on campus, while becoming acquainted with other students in your college. Orientation programs are also held before the winter, spring, and summer quarters for first-year and transfer students.

First-Year Seminar Course

University College sponsors a course tailored to first-year students who have not declared a major—UC 115 , The University Experience. The purpose of UC 115 is to help new students make a successful transition to Ohio University, both academically and personally.  This course aims to foster a sense of belonging, promote engagement in the curricular and co-curricular life of the university, encourage self responsibility, and articulate to students the university’s expectations and values.  The course also seeks to help students develop and apply appropriate learning strategies, enhance their communication skills, and facilitate the exploration of their purpose, meaning and direction regarding educational and career goals.

Learning Communities

Learning communities allow first-year students the opportunity to have the benefits of a small college atmosphere while experiencing Ohio University’s large campus culture. Participation in a learning community guarantees students 2–4 common courses for fall quarter. Each community has no more than 25 students. As a result, participating students develop cohesive relationships with their peers and have enriched interaction with faculty. Participation in a learning community gives the opportunity to engage in academic as well as social activities with members of the community.

For more information, please visit our Web site at or contact:

Director, Learning Community Programs
Chubb Hall 140
University College
Ohio University


University Professor Award Program

Another of University College’s efforts to enhance and reward undergraduate teaching and learning is the University Professor Award program. To acknowledge outstanding undergraduate teaching, Ohio University students nominate and select University Professors on the Athens campus each year. University Professors are tenure-track faculty members who have demonstrated teaching excellence.

The University Professor Selection Committee consists of representatives from the undergraduate student body.

Upon selection by the student University Professor Selection Committee and final appointment by the provost, each professor is granted a release from part of his/her normal teaching duties and receives $2,000 for professional development. The University Professor uses this opportunity to develop and teach two original classes.

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)

ROTC is based on our Constitution to help “provide for the common defense.” Today, when the security interests of this nation are so inextricably involved with world issues, our nation needs talented and well-trained officers in its military services. If you have the desire and talent to serve your country, ROTC can lead to a rewarding career as a military officer. Our military needs the best managers, administrators, engineers, and scientists the nation’s schools can produce, to be leaders with wide ranges of knowledge and skill. The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, in agreement with universities and colleges across the nation, is designed to produce these types of leaders for our nation.

The Army ROTC program at Ohio University is under the Military Science Department (M SC); the Air Force ROTC program is under the Aerospace Studies Department (A ST). The University offers two-, three-, and four-year ROTC programs. ROTC is divided into two phases—the general course and the advanced course. Any student can take any of the general classes for elective credit to learn more about our nation’s military with no military service commitment.

Notice: The ROTC programs at Ohio University might not fully comply with University nondiscrimination policies, because of the selective process of military service. However, the ROTC programs are in compliance with national nondiscrimination policies and the guidance and policies of the respective military services and the Department of Defense.

Full scholarships are available on a competitive basis for qualified students. These scholarships pay costs of tuition, mandatory student fees, and a book fee. Additionally, recipients receive a tax-free stipend of up to $400 monthly for the period the scholarship is in effect. Nonscholarship students in the advanced course also receive the tax-free stipend, regardless of scholarship status. Ohio National Guard 100 percent tuition assistance is also available.

Summer Field Training
Field leadership training normally occurs during the summer after the sophomore year (Air Force) or junior year (Army). However, exceptions are possible. All travel expenses, board, living quarters, and uniforms are furnished, and you are paid while attending summer field training.

Uniforms and Equipment
Training equipment and uniforms are lent to all ROTC students without cost.

ROTC is a competitive program. If you successfully complete the ROTC advanced program and the requirements for a baccalaureate degree, you will be qualified for a commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Army or the United States Air Force.

Special Schooling
Upon completing their degrees and the ROTC program, Air Force ROTC students will start their professional careers in one of more than 40 specialized career fields, including operations, logistics, engineering, communications, nursing, weather, intelligence, space and missiles, and more. Advanced schooling is provided to prepare you initially for your career field. In addition, the Air Force provides opportunity and resources for its officers to pursue professional continuing education and advanced degrees. Army ROTC students may be selected for a variety of specialized training opportunities, such as Airborne School, Air Assault School, pentagon internships, and summer leadership internships. Army officers may serve in one of 16 career branches, including combat, combat support, and combat service support options. Selected officers, after entrance on active duty, are sent to civilian universities or service technical institutes for graduate work leading to a master’s degree or to a doctoral degree in specialized fields.

Aerospace Studies Program
Air Force ROTC - Detachment 650 (

The Aerospace Studies program is designed to develop the character and skills required of professional Air Force officers. The goal is to provide you with the foundation to become an officer in the United States Air Force, while acquiring a baccalaureate degree in a field of your own choosing.

The curriculum during the first two years (the general program, one credit per quarter) is an introduction to the Air Force and its heritage. It focuses on career opportunities, doctrine, mission, and organization of the United State Air Force. It also includes studies in the development of air power, and present and future concepts within the Air Force.

Concurrently with these academic subjects, cadets participate in “leadership lab” (for an additional one credit hour per quarter). Leadership lab centers around military customs and organization and includes hands-on learning that enables you to gain insight into the dynamics of military leadership. There is no service commitment during the first two years (for non-scholarship cadets), and it is an excellent way for you to explore the lifestyle and career options the Air Force has to offer. You must take both the general course and leadership lab to be enrolled in the AFROTC program. Optional noncredit summer professional development programs at Air Force bases provide further exposure to the Air Force and are funded by the Air Force.

The advanced curriculum, titled the “Professional Officer Course,” or POC (three credit hours per quarter), is specifically designed to prepare cadets/students for active duty as commissioned officers. Entry into the POC is selective and based on the needs of the Air Force. Students must meet basic qualification requirements and fitness, academic and medical standards to enter the POC.   Studies include military leadership and principles of management during the junior year. The senior year includes defense policy making, the military professional, strategy, and military justice. It emphasizes professional responsibilities of Air Force officers within our democratic society and how the Air Force supports national goals. Through case studies, guest lectures, and dialog, you experience a realistic simulation of problems facing officers. As a member of the advanced Professional Officer Course, you develop leadership skills by supervising first-year and sophomore cadets in leadership lab. You practice communication skills and perform organizational projects, similar to those accomplished by active duty Air Force officers. This advanced unit consists of six quarters of on-campus study (three credits per term), six quarters of leadership lab (one credit per term), and a summer field leadership traning encampment.

Flight Qualification

Qualified cadets have the additional option of becoming flight officer candidates. Selection for pilot or other rated training will be made during your junior year. If you are selected, you will enter USAF pilot or rated training following graduation and commissioning.


Cadets commission and begin their careers as Air Force officers, upon completing their undergraduate degree and AFROTC program requirements. After commissioning, you are assigned to an Air Force position that best combines your academic major and desires with the needs of the Air Force. Past graduates have been assigned to areas of air operations (both flyers and nonflyers), administration, physical and social sciences, engineering, and research and development in aerospace technologies, to name a few. In addition, qualified cadets can pursue military careers in the medical and legal career fields after completing the AFROTC program. 

More information about Air Force career opportunities can be found at: 

Military Science Program
(Army ROTC)

The Military Science program is designed to develop the leadership and management skills required of an officer in the United States Army. The military science curriculum complements your normal coursework for a baccalaureate degree and provides a basis for progression toward a commission as an officer in the United States Army. Although the complete program encompasses four years, you can join the program at any point in your time at Ohio University, as long as you have two years remaining. This two-year period can be undergraduate or graduate work.

The first two years of Army ROTC is known as the Basic Course (BC). During the BC, you take classes in general military subjects, including an introduction to the Army ROTC program, basic skills, leadership and team building, and leadership and small-unit operations. These courses provide a basic understanding of the Army and a background for the second two years of the program. During the first two years there is a requirement of wearing uniforms for lab, but no military service obligation is incurred.

Entrance into the second two years of the Army ROTC (the Advanced Course) is selective and competitive. You can qualify for the Advanced Course by completing the BC, by current service in the National Guard or Reserves, or by attending a four-week ROTC Leaders Training Course. The Advanced Course will expand your knowledge of military subjects, including military justice, tactics, ethics and professionalism, management, training, and current issues affecting the military. In addition to the classroom work, the department conducts a leadership laboratory, in which all students take part in planning and conducting such adventure-type outdoor training activities as rappelling, survival swimming, marksmanship, physical training, and land navigation. Advanced Course students are required to attend a four-week summer Leadership Development Assessment Course between their junior and senior years. All summer camp expenses, including meals, housing, travel, and uniforms, are paid by the Army. In addition, each cadet is paid approximately $700 in military pay for camp attendance.

The Department of Military Science also sponsors several extracurricular clubs or activity groups, organized by the cadets with faculty advisers, such as the Color Guard, Officer Christian Fellowship, and Ranger Challenge. Cadets might be selected on a voluntary basis for attendance at U.S. Army schools, such as Airborne (parachutist) School, Air Assault School, Mountain Warfare, and Northern Warfare School.


Army ROTC offers full two, three and four year scholarships to qualified students. These scholarships pay full tuition and student fees. Scholarship cadets also receive a quarterly book stipend of $400 as well as monthly stipend of up to $500. In addition cadets may also receive an Ohio University sponsored room grant that covers the cost of a standard double dorm room. Students who do not qualify for a ROTC scholarship may be eligible for a scholarship through the Army National Guard or Army Reserves, as well as the OU sponsored room grant.

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