Mar 07, 2025
ET 2220 - Strength of Materials Simple stresses and strains, bending, torsion, beam deflection, columns, and combined stresses.
Requisites: C or better in ET 2200 Credit Hours: 3 Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken two times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts. Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture Grades: Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I Learning Outcomes: - Students will be able to analyze stresses in beams using beam bending and shear stress theories.
- Students will be able to deal with combined loading situations.
- Students will be able to determine deformations experienced by a uniaxially loaded body.
- Students will be able to draw shear-moment diagrams for beam problems.
- Students will be able to solve problems related to torsion.
- Students will have a basic understanding of energy method and apply it to solve some mechanics problems.
- Students will learn how engineering materials behave when loaded uniaxially.
- Students will understand Euler’s critical load theory and apply it to solve column buckling problems.
- Students will understand Hooke’s law.
- Students will understand beam deflection theory and apply it to determine vertical deflection experienced by a beam.
- Students will understand stress transformation theory and draw a Mohr’s circle to determine principal stresses.
- Students will understand the concepts of stress and strain.
- Students will understand thin-wall pressure vessel theory and apply it to solve pressure vessel problems.
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