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Academic Advancement Center
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The Academic Advancement Center (AAC), a department of University College, offers programs and services to assist students to meet the academic demands of university work. Conveniently located on the first floor of Alden Library, the AAC helps you maximize your academic potential by providing a variety of support services including:
Courses: You can enroll in credit courses taught by the AAC staff. UC 1060 Academic Computing Skills , is a one–credit course designed to enhance computer skills required for many classes, such as the Microsoft Office suite of programs, research on the Web, creating a Web page, and creating and editing multimedia files, including video. UC 1100 Learning Strategies is a two–credit course designed to teach effective study strategies. Techniques that increase effectiveness in managing time, taking notes, reading and comprehending text material, and preparing for exams are emphasized. UC D998 College Reading Skills is a two–credit developmental course designed to improve reading comprehension of college–level material. Techniques, such as summarizing main ideas, organizing textbook content, understanding inference and point of view, adjusting reading rate, expanding vocabulary, and developing critical thinking skills are stressed. Course enrollment is limited to students with ACT reading scores below 21 or SAT verbal score below 495. (See Course Descriptions section for descriptions of additional UC courses.)
PeerTutoring: Individual tutoring is available for skill development and for mastery of course content undergraduate courses. To make an appointment, please use Tutor Trac. Go to and click on Tutor Trac. When working with a Peer Tutor, you will be expected to pay directly. We offer tutoring in over 200 courses. In most areas, particularly 1000 - 2000 level courses, tutors are readily available. If you cannot find a tutor on Tutor Trac, please stop by the Academic Advancement Center to complete a Tutor Request Form. We will do our best to connect you with a qualified tutor.
Reading and Study Skills Help: AAC professional staff provides help with strategies for improving academic performance. One-on-one study skills tutoring appointments are available at no charge. Our professional staff can help with exam preparation, taking good notes, mastering textbooks, reading strategies, time management, memory, and concentration. For information about scheduling an appointment go to
Online Study Tips provides interactive units that you can complete on your own. Go to
Math Center: Free math help is available to undergraduates enrolled in many math-related course, (e.g., calculus, accounting, economics, physics). Students can meet with a math tutor by attending the drop-in math center that meets Sunday - Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. or by making a one-on-one 30-minute appointment on Tutor Trac. For more information go to
Science Center: Free science help is available to undergraduates enrolled in science courses, (e.g., chemistry, biological sciences, and physics). Students can meet with a science tutor by attending the drop-in science center that meets Sunday - Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. or by making a one-on-one 30-minute appointment on Tutor Trac. For more information, go to
The Student Writing Center: Located in the Alden Library (2nd floor), the Student Writing Center provides free scheduled and walk-in face-to-face appointments, as well as online appointments. Assistance is available at any stage of the writing process, from understanding the assignment to looking at the revised draft. You can get help with developing the thesis or main idea, organizing or developing the ideas, the bibliography, grammatical issues or any other writing concerns. Visit
Supplemental Instruction (SI): SI provides free out-of-course review for traditionally challenging courses. The sessions are conducted by undergraduate students who have successfully completed the course and work with the instructor to help students share and master information. The sessions are open to anyone enrolled in the selected courses. Students who attend SI sessions often receive a higher grade than those who do not. If a class is selected for SI, the leader is introduced during class and will announce the SI session schedule. In addition to listening for announcements in the class, you can access the SI sessions schedule online at
Computer Skills: The AAC computer lab, located on the first floor of Alden Library, is a modern multimedia facility equipped with both Macintosh and Windows computers, scanners, mini HDV decks, DVD burners, and various supporting software from Adobe, Apple, and Microsoft. Skilled computer assistants are available for one–on–one help. For more information regarding hardware, software, and open hours, visit the AAC lab website at
College Adjustment Program (CAP)College Adjustment Program (CAP): The College Adjustment Program (CAP) has provided services and opportunities to help qualified Ohio University students adjust to the challenges of college life since 1979. Along the way, CAP has developed a strong record of aiding in student retention and graduation. CAP is located in the Academic Advancement Center (Alden Library 101) and is supported by Ohio University and by a Student Support Services TRIO grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
The following are some examples of the services CAP offers to assist students as they work toward graduation:
- Academic courses in learning strategies, reading skills, and computing
- Individual tutoring at no cost to the student
- Math workshops to help students prepare for the Tier I quantitative skills requirement
- An instructional computer lab with free printing
- Comprehensive, one-on-one academic advising
- Career planning and guidance, including assistance selecting a major
- Intensive support for students on probation
- Peer advisors to help students navigate the university experience
- Tickets to unique cultural and social events on campus and around town
- A technology loan program featuring laptop computers and graphing calculators
Eligibility for CAP is determined according to a two-tier system. Students must satisfy both tiers to be eligible for CAP. As CAP is a small program and space is limited, eligibility does not guarantee admission. CAP serves approximately 275 students annually.
Tier 1:To meet this requirement a student must demonstrate an academic need. This is defined as:
- having an ACT composite less than or equal to 22 or
- having a SAT combined Score less than 1090 or
- being ranked below the top 40% of his/her high school class or
- possessing a General Education Diploma (GED) or
- being on academic probation (continuing students)
If a student satisfies the Tier 1 requirement, he/she must also meet at least one of the Tier 2 requirements.
Tier 2:To satisfy this requirement a student must:
- be a first-generation college student (neither parent graduated from a four-year school) or
- come from a family whose income meets federal guidelines for low-income level or
- have a documented disability and be registered with Ohio University’s Office of Disability Services
Applicants must also be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Most students are admitted to CAP prior to the start of their first semester at Ohio University. Continuing students who meet the eligibility requirements may be admitted, as long as they have earned fewer than 40 semester hours of credit.
For more information about CAP, please visit You may also contact the Academic Advancement Center at 740.593.2644 or
Each college, school, and department has faculty and/or professional advisors who will provide information about academic options, degree programs, and University resources. Your assigned advisor is interested in your learning and development and will help you create an educational plan consistent with your academic, career, and personal goals. Your advisor will also assist in the preparation of an appropriate schedule each semester. However, advising is a collaborative process. It is your responsibility to be prepared for advising appointments and to know and follow current requirements and procedures at the department, school, college, and University levels.
Although meeting with your advisor before registering for classes each semester is important, this is not the only time you should meet with your advisor. Advisors can help you gather information about the field(s) you are considering and can direct you to helpful university resources.
Questions about academic advising or how to contact your advisor should be directed to your college or regional campus student services office. You can also determine who your advisor is by logging onto your My OHIO Student Center and clicking the “Academics” tab. Your advisor will be listed in the column on the right side of the screen. Your enrollment appointment time (the time when you may begin registering) is available on the same page and immediately above your advisor assignment. The University Registrar will also send you an email each semester regarding your enrollment appointment time.
Baker University Center and Event Services
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Named for Ohio University’s 14th president, John Calhoun Baker, the Center opened in January 2007. It replaced the original Baker Center which was located on the northwest corner of E. Union St. and College St. (across from the College Green). The building provides facilities, programs, services, and amenities that serve the University community, the Athens community, and visitors. It is operated by the Division of Students Affairs.
As a center of activity that contributes significantly to the quality of campus life, the John Calhoun Baker University Center takes pride in being an attractive, functional, socially vibrant, welcoming gathering place for all Ohio University students, faculty, staff, and guests of the University.
To this end, the John Calhoun Baker University Center staff provides superior building operations, useful and up–to–date University information services, and active program support for the wide range of social, intellectual, and cultural events that occur in the Center. Event Services also provides event solutions for Walter Hall Rotunda, Templeton-Blackburn Memorial Auditorium, and Galbreath Chapel.
For more information about Event Services and Baker University Center, please visit
Campus Involvement Center
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The Campus Involvement Center (CIC) is your connection to campus and community involvement—the place where you can discover everything you want to know about student organizations; Greek life; health and wellness issues, community service, involvement opportunities and social programs. If you want to get involved on campus, stop by our office in Baker University Center 339 and 355, call 740.593.4025, or visit our website at
Arts and Entertainment
The Campus Involvement Center provides fun, innovative and interactive events for Ohio University students. Starting with opening weekend and continuing through the year, you can look forward to exciting programs and events. Our Performing Arts and Concert Series bring to campus, big name comedians, Broadway plays, and concerts usually only accessible in large cities. We also feature on-going programs, the Emerging Artist Series, Open Stage and Blue Pencil Comedy all featuring the talents of Ohio University students. You can pick up a calendar of events in the CIC offices.
Community Service
The Campus Involvement Center works with campus and community partners to promote community service collaborations that benefit the community, foster mutual learning, and prepare students for responsible citizenship. We connect students, faculty, staff, and community members interested in volunteer and community service with community based organizations. Every Saturday, we coordinate a Community Service Project of the Week. For information, call 740.593.4007.
Greek Life
The Ohio University fraternity and sorority community has existed for over 160 years. Fraternity and sorority members value service to others, academic excellence, and membership development. Organizations provide members with service, leadership, social, and other developmental experiences. The Campus Involvement Center supports 32 sororities and fraternities on campus and advises the Inter-fraternity Council (IFC), Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), National Pan-Hellenic Council NPHC), Women’s Panhellenic Association (WPA), Order of Omega and Rho Lambda Honor Societies, Greek programming, and the Greek Community Council (GCC). We post information updates on this website and make announcements through our Facebook fan page (Ohio University Greek Life) and you can follow us on Twitter (Ohio U_GreekLife).
Health Promotion
The Campus Involvement Center helps Ohio University students become and stay healthy. We can provide you with up-to-date health information, help you research health topics, and let you know when and where to attend peer-presented health and wellness programs. You can even request a workshop or presentation for your organization, residence hall, or class and join our Latex League.
Student Organizations
Ohio University has more than 380 student organizations to explore. Becoming involved can help you perform better in other areas of your life and feel more a part of the University. You’ll learn about community and about effective membership and leadership. To find an organization that might be of interest to you, search the student organization directory ( If you can’t find an organization that meets your interest, we can help you start one.
Honor Societies
These national organizations confer membership in recognition of high scholastic attainment and the fulfillment of other requirements. Honor societies encourage the development of a well–rounded personality and leadership and service qualities, in addition to academic achievement.
Alpha Lambda Delta, Freshman Honor Society
Alpha Omicron Alpha, Aviation
Alpha Phi Sigma, Criminal Justice
Alpha Pi Mu, Industrial Engineering
Arnold Air Society, Aerospace Studies
Beta Alpha Psi, Accounting
Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society
Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society
Civil Engineering Honor Society
Delta Phi Alpha, German
Delta Sigma Pi, Profession Business Fraternity
Epsilon Pi Tau, Industrial Technology
Eta Sigma Gamma, Health Science
Gamma Pi Delta, Nontraditional Students
Gamma Theta Upsilon, Geography
Golden Key, Scholarship
Honors College Society
Kappa Delta Pi, Education
Kappa Kappa Psi National Band Honorary
Lamda Omega, Nursing
Lambda Pi Eta, Communication
Mortar Board, Scholarship, Activities
National Residence Hall Honorary
Omega Chi Epsilon, Chemical Engineering
Omicron Delta Kappa, National Honor Society
Order of Omega, Greek Leadership
Phi Alpha Honor Society, Social Work
Phi Alpha Theta, History
Phi Gamma Nu, Business
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity
Phi Sigma Iota, French
Phi Sigma Pi National Co–ed Honor Fraternity
Pi Sigma Alpha, Political Science
Pi Tau Sigma, Mechanical Engineering
Psi Chi, Psychology
Rho Lambda, National Panhellenic Honorary
Sigma Alpha Iota, Music
Sigma Alpha Lambda, Community Service
Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish
Sigma Sigma Phi, Osteopathic Medicine
Sigma Tau Delta, English
Society of Professional Journalists
Tau Beta Pi, Engineering
Tau Beta Sigma, Band
Career and Leadership Development Center
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The Career and Leadership Development Center provides assistance with making career decisions, exploring major and career options, attending career fairs, conducting effective job searches, and leadership development. Services, which are free to all students and alumni, include:
- Individual career advising on issues such as major, career options, résumé and cover letter writing/critiques, attending graduate school, and career search strategies.
- Full range of personal and leadership brand development seminars, including: Strengths Finder, True Colors, Emotional Intelligence, and many others.
- Web–based programs such as Focus and OCIS that identify interests, abilities, and values. “Career Beam” is a Net–based employer–research system containing a database of 20 million organizations.
- Annual Leadership Awards Gala to recognize student leadership and accomplishments on a universitywide level.
- Seminars on résumé preparation, interviewing techniques, career planning, and other career–related topics.
- Professional development trainings and seminars including: running effective meetings, networking, budgeting, professional etiquette, and more.
- The Mock Interview Program, which allows you to practice and improve your interview performance.
- Certificate of completion in the 21st Century Leadership Series - a series of seven seminars crafted to connect students to the most important and marketable aspects of being a leader from every level of an organization.
- Career fairs that bring a variety of employers to campus to discuss career opportunities. Career fairs, open to all students and alumni, are held in the fall and spring semesters. The Teacher Recruitment Consortium is held the spring semester.
- The Amanda J. Cunningham Leadership Center, which offers a comprehensive index for all students to get involved with other leadership programs, opportunities, printed resources, and leadership courses occurring throughout the entire university.
- The Career Resource Center, which contains a wealth of information: career guides and job search resources.
The Career Services website not only provides you with general career information, but also can connect you with a range of other resources on the Internet. It is linked to the Ohio University home page under “Division of Student Affairs” or can be reached at
Amanda J. Cunningham Leadership Center
The Amanda J. Cunningham Leadership Center is a multifunctional, student-led, creative leadership center that strives to serve as the heart of leadership activity for all of Ohio University.
We provide multiple services and programs for students of every major, college, and background; we provide support to other campus leadership initiatives through collaboration and resource sharing; and we direct students to opportunities throughout our University.
The Amanda J. Cunningham Leadership Center focuses on helping students develop their leadership potential regardless of whether or not they serve in formal leadership positions. Our work in leadership development is guided predominantly by the Social Change Leadership Model (HERI, 1996).
Services for Students and Alumni
The Career and Leadership Development Center also offers the Bobcat CareerLink an online job search database. This program consists of computerized résumé referrals, online job postings, and on–campus interviewing. Visit to get started with Bobcat CareerLink.
You are encouraged to work with the Career and Leadership Development Center throughout your University experience for assistance in all career–related matters. For more information, call 740.593.2909. The Office of Career Services is located in Baker University Center 533.
Counseling and Psychological Services
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Counseling and psychological services are available on an individual and group basis for personal, educational, and career concerns. All consultations are confidential and are provided by a staff of counselors, psychologists, predoctoral interns, and graduate student trainees from Psychology, Counselor Education and Social Work.
If you have personal problems of any kind (emotional, social, marital, substance abuse, stress, etc.), you can receive help with understanding and resolving those difficulties.
If you are having academic difficulties, you can receive help in understanding and resolving your concerns so you may improve your performance.
If you are uncertain about your educational or career objectives, you can obtain assistance in appraising your abilities, interests, performance, etc., so you can identify more appropriate and satisfying directions.
You can consult with a counselor about your concerns or if you are worried about a friend during our walk-in hours that are available on a first come, first served basis throughout the day, Monday through Friday. Between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., students can reach a counselor on weekday evenings and anytime during the weekend if they need crisis intervention services by calling 740.593.1616.
Psychiatric consultations for medication are available by appointment, pending an initial consultation with one of our counselors.
Our services are located on the third floor of Hudson Health Center. Students who pay the Wellbeing Fee are not charged for individual, group, and relationship counseling or for psychiatric services. For students who opt not to pay the fee, appointments beyond an initial walk-in session are charged to the students account. Please note that Counseling and Psychological Services does not bill or submit claims to insurance providers.
Health Service (Campus Care)
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Campus Care is located in Hudson Health Center on the North Green (building 35 on the campus map). Medical care is provided Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. All enrolled students have access to Campus Care. You do not have to purchase the University insurance plan to receive services through Campus Care.
Serving you are a pharmacy, a medical laboratory, x–ray facilities, immunization services, and a physical therapy department, staffed by physicians, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, pharmacists, and registered laboratory and x–ray technicians.
International students must have a tuberculosis skin test upon first arriving in Athens or returning to the campus after an absence of two or more years. This test is given free of charge. See the Schedule of Classes for details.
Visit the Campus Care website at
Hearing, Speech and Language Clinic
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The Ohio University Hearing, Speech and Language Clinic offers diagnostic and treatment services to University students, faculty, and staff, and members of the community. Services are available to all age groups, from infants to adults. A fee list is available upon request.
Speech and language services cover such areas as articulation, language, stuttering, and voice. Audiology services include the identification and management of problems in hearing and balance, including the selection and use of hearing aids, auditory processing, and developmental communication problems posed by hearing loss.
The clinic operates five days per week and is staffed by graduate students majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders, under the continual supervision of fully licensed and credentialed faculty and staff.
For assistance with a hearing, speech, or language question, inquire at the clinic office in Grover Center between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or call 740.593.1404. Clinic services are available throughout the year.
Help Center, Allen Student
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The Allen Student Help Center works with students who are not sure how to begin solving their problems. The friendly staff offers:
- Guidance for students who are academically lost, or who are struggling with multiple concerns and aren’t sure whom to ask
- Academic programs and workshops
- Walk–in or appointment assistance
- Computer loan program
- Academic coaching program
Monday–Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Allen Student Help Center
Baker University Center 419
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701
Residential Housing coordinates and manages the on-campus living environment, including the administration of all room and board charges. The department supports the educational goals of the University within the residence halls by promoting community living, fostering the development of individuals and groups within the living environment, and providing support and information to residents.
Housing Regulation
The Ohio University housing requirement states that students must reside on campus for their first two years of academic study and carry an associated meal plan, unless they meet one or more of the exemption criteria outlined below. This applies to new, transfer, relocating, and re-enrolling students. NOTE: Credit hours earned by students while attending high school (via advanced placement, Senate Bill 140, Senior to Sophomore, etc.) will not be considered toward exemption eligibility from the housing requirement. The contract for housing and dining services is binding for the entire academic year. If you do not comply with this regulation, you may be denied registration.
Ohio University requires all students residing in the residence halls be immunized against meningococcal disease. A student can be exempt from the vaccination requirement if, after reading the information provided by the University that explains the benefits and risks associated with being vaccinated against meningococcal meningitis, the student chooses not to be vaccinated. Students electing not to receive the vaccine must sign a waiver, which is available with the housing contract.
Housing Regulation Exemptions
If you meet any of the following conditions, you may request to be exempt from the housing requirement. Falsification of any material submitted in support of an exemption request is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and may result in a referral to the Office of Community Standards and Student Responsibility.
- You are enrolled as a part–time student as defined in this catalog.
- You are a married student living with your spouse or a single parent living with your children within commuting distance (50 miles) of the University.
- You live with parents or guardians whose permanent residence is within commuting distance (50 miles) of the University.
- You have completed one academic year in residence prior to fall semester and are living in a recognized fraternity or sorority house. This exemption is not available to continuing students once the academic year begins. Student request must be approved by the Campus Involvement Center.
- You are over the age of 23 prior to the semester in which you are enrolling.
- You are a veteran who has 18 or more months of active military service.
Special Status Students
Students taking classes during the summer and students in the Ohio Program of Intensive English must comply with the housing requirement. If you are not sure of your status, contact Residential Housing.
Residence Halls
The Residential Housing central office is located in Chubb Hall on Ohio University’s Athens campus. Smaller offices are located on each green (East, South, and West). Residence halls have full-time professional and paraprofessional live-in staff carefully selected and trained to offer informed and meaningful assistance. The staff-to-student ratio in upperclass halls is about 1:35, while in freshman halls it is 1:26. Services offered include providing a safe and healthful environment conducive to sound academic pursuit; creating opportunities for growth and development through educational, recreational, social, and cultural programming; involving faculty in residence halls; meeting the needs of students through the use of special-interest housing (intensive study, residential learning communities, honors, scholars, academic emphasis); promoting student involvement and leadership by encouraging participation in hall government; emphasizing the concepts of responsibility, respect, and consideration for others; interpreting University policies and procedures; serving as an information source and referral agent to other University services; and providing confidential personal advising for such concerns as adjustment, academic performance, substance abuse, and relationships. Much of the learning that occurs during the collegiate experience takes place outside the formal classroom setting. The living-learning atmosphere of the residence halls is one of the prime catalysts in this growth process. While each residence hall is unique in character and spirit, they all offer the opportunity to meet, interact with, and learn from a diverse student population.
Off-Campus Living
When the time comes to move off campus, Off-Campus Living, a unit of Residential Housing, can assist and support you through programming and resources. Off-Campus Living will help you become aware of your rights and your responsibilities as students, tenants, and members of the Athens community. However, the University bears no responsibility for living conditions or problems therein to either the homeowner or the student resident of an off-campus property.
Information Technology
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Ohio University’s Office of Information Technology provides telephone, Internet and video communications, comprehensive computer support, ID card services, audio–visual equipment maintenance, and state–of–the–art computing resources and facilities for the University community.
Technical support can be obtained by calling the OIT Service Desk at 740.593.1222, or by submitting a request online at Visit the Tech Depot, Baker University Center 112, for software and computer sales, ID cards, clickers, computer repairs, and technical support.
Computer Labs
Lab computers can be used to access the Internet and various software programs. The Tech Depot offers a small lab on the first floor of Baker University Center, and a combined Library/Information Technology “Learning Commons” computer lab is available on the second floor of Alden Library ( Many departments also operate labs for their own students. Some labs are open to all majors, while some are restricted to people within a certain major. For departmental labs, contact the sponsoring department for specific software titles, lab hours, and general information.
Educational Testing Center
The Educational Testing Center is a computer–based testing facility that offers numerous testing sessions per week. Available tests include the GRE, Praxis I, and TOEFL. Visit for a complete listing of tests, hours of operation, and other important information.
Ohio University has several software site licenses that provide software to students. Visit for more information, including eligibility, cost, and how to obtain the software.
Computer Purchase Options
OHIO students are eligible to purchase laptop and desktop computer systems at a discount from several preferred vendors. “Business class” Dell computers and a large selection of Apple devices are available through the Tech Depot on the first floor of Baker University Center. Visit for more information.
Institutional Equity
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The Office for Institutional Equity is charged with monitoring the University’s compliance with federal and state law and institutional policy guidelines that promote a non-discriminatory and harassment-free environment. This includes investigating complaints of discrimination or harassment, making policy recommendations, advising units about hiring process, offering mandated training within the University community, ensuring educational and/or workplace support services for persons with disabilities, and monitoring compliance with the University’s own affirmative action initiatives.
The director of the Office of Institutional Equity also serves as the University’s Title IX Coordinator and ADA/504 Coordinator.
Ohio University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, or military veteran status in its employment practices or in the provision of educational programs and services. The following person has been designated to handle inquires regarding the University’s non-discrimination policies, to receive discrimination/harassment complaints from members of the University community, and to monitor the institution’s compliance with state and federal non-discrimination laws and regulations:
Dianne Bouvier, M.A., M.B.A.
Interim Executive Director - Office for Institutional Equity
Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost
Title IX Coordinator, ADA/504 Coordinator
Crewson House 101
Athens, OH 45701
For more information about Ohio University’s policies prohibiting discrimination, and for a description of Ohio University’s grievance procedures, please visit the Web page for the Office for Institutional Equity at For information specifically about sexual harassment, please visit the Sexual Harassment Prevention website at
Institutional Equity is an office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.
Health insurance coverage is a requirement for all Ohio University students attending classes on the Athens campus. In order to assist with this requirement, the University offers a student insurance plan through UnitedHealthcare Student Resources (UHCSR). Ohio University automatically enrolls domestic students registered for five or more credit hours and international students registered for one or more credit hours for the semester in the insurance plan. Domestic students may waive the student insurance plan if they are covered under another plan This online waiver must be completed through the My OHIO portal by the waiver deadline.
Students taking fewer than five hours, student participating in a co-op, internship or education abroad program, and graduate students completing a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation may be eligible to participate in the plan. Also, coverage for a spouse or domestic partner and/or dependent children of a covered student is required for international students and available for domestic students. Information about plan benefits and eligibility as well as enrollment forms are available on the UHCSR website:
Regional campus students should contact their regional campus student services office for enrollment information. Regional campus students are not automatically enrolled in an insurance plan. and must be enrolled in nine or more semester hours to be eligible.
Intercollegiate Athletics
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Mission Statement
The mission of Ohio Intercollegiate Athletics is to successfully develop the student-athlete as a person, student, and athlete. Athletics also contributes to the University through athletic and academic achievement, generates visibility, promotes institutional pride, enhances campus life, and serves as a connection with alumni and fans.
Vision Statement
Ohio University Athletics strives to be a national-level program through all sports participating in post-season competition, earning recognition as the premier athletic program in the Mid-American Conference, while renowned for academic excellence through outstanding graduation rates and scholastic honors. Athletics will provide exceptional value and benefit to the mission of Ohio University and community, demonstrate unrivaled pride, and foster relationships with all constituents. The athletic department is committed to the utmost integrity through NCAA rules compliance, fiscal responsibility, and student-athlete personal development.
Ohio University is a Division I member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and a charter member of the Mid–American Conference (MAC). The conference, which was founded in 1946, also includes Akron, Ball State, Bowling Green, Buffalo, Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Kent State, Miami, Northern Illinois, Toledo, University of Massachusetts, and Western Michigan.
The University fields a total of 16 intercollegiate teams—6 for men and 10 for women. The University offers baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, and wrestling for men. Basketball, cross country, field hockey, golf, indoor track, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, outdoor track, and volleyball are offered for women.
The Reese and Jacoby trophies are awarded annually by the MAC to the institutions compiling the best overall conference records for men and women, respectively.
Athletic facilities include the 13,168–seat Convocation Center, the site of basketball, volleyball, and wrestling contests. Constructed in 1968, the building houses athletic offices, training facilities, locker rooms, and equipment rooms. Peden Stadium, with its five–story tower and a capacity of 24,000, is the home of Bobcat football and the Phillips Academic Services Center. In November 1999, the 10,000–square feet Dr. Steve and Kathy Carin Strength and Conditioning Center, located in Peden Stadium, was dedicated. The Aquatic Center contains an Olympic–size pool, including 16 25–yard lanes, nine 50–meter lanes, and two one–meter and two three–meter diving boards. The golf teams utilize practice facilities at the Athens Country Club and the University’s driving range on West State Street. The baseball team competes at Bob Wren Stadium, while softball plays at a state–of–the–art facility. The $2.1 million baseball/softball complex was completed in 1999. Located in the Athletics Mall, Pruitt Field is the home competition site for field hockey. The multi–purpose facility features a top of the line playing surface with a signature red brick grandstand. The facility encompasses the all–weather, eight–lane Goldsberry track, home to Ohio’s track and field team. The Ohio soccer team plays at Chessa Field, dedicated in the fall of 2002.
If you are interested in participating in intercollegiate athletics, contact the head coach of your preferred sport as soon as possible. Contact information can be found at the intercollegiate athletics website at
International Students
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Admission information on undergraduate admission for international students is available from the director of admissions, Chubb Hall. Information on graduate admission is available from Graduate College, Research and Technology Center 220.
Many internationally oriented student organizations exist at Ohio University. They represent national, regional, religious, academic, and social interests and join together for special programs throughout the year. Programming reaches a high point in spring during International Week and the International Street Fair, conducted in cooperation with the city of Athens and the International Student Union.
The International Student Union (ISU)
ISU functions at Ohio University as the umbrella organization for more than 20 international student organizations and serves as the international programming body for the community on campus. ISU members come from all corners of the world, representing the collective educational, cultural, and developmental interests of more than 100 countries.
Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE)
The OPIE administers English proficiency examinations and provides intensive language instruction for those needing it. (See descriptions of courses and programs elsewhere in this catalog.)
The Office of International Student and Faculty Services
The Office of International Student and Faculty Services offers consultation about any concern, including immigration, financial, and personal problems. All new students, as well as returning students starting a new degree program, must report to this office upon arrival. An international orientation program will be conducted during the week before the opening of each semester to introduce new students to the campus.
The Office of International Student and Faculty Services also works with other departments and organizations on campus, such as the Division of Student Affairs, the Women’s Center, the Multicultural Center, the Office of Education Abroad, the Center for International Studies, and the International Student Union to promote international programs, including cross–cultural workshops and the annual International Week, which create a welcoming and supportive climate for international students.
International Families
Support services are provided to international families through the Office of International Student and Faculty Services. Upon arrival, family members are given information about health care and insurance, English language classes, community services, and social activities. International advisors are also available for consultation on immigration and employment questions.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Center
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The LGBT Center advances the diversity mission of Ohio University by creating a campus environment inclusive and supportive of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. We focus on the unique academic, cultural, and social needs of LGBT students, and strive to enhance these students’ learning and engagement as well as increase their retention. Our broader influence emerges from providing resources, educational opportunities, and social justice initiatives to all students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members at Ohio University and beyond. The Center offers a variety of educational and cultural programs and events throughout the academic year. Please visit for more information about our programs and services.
The mission of the Ohio University Libraries is to connect learners to information for discovery, intellectual growth and the advancement of knowledge. The main library on the Athens campus is Alden Library, located on the College Green. Other facilities include the Music & Dance Library in Glidden Hall and the Library Annex. Each of the regional campuses also maintains a library.
The Libraries’ collections include more than 3 million volumes including almost 800,000 electronic resources such as e-books, e-journals, databases, and image collections, all available on the Internet, as well as significant numbers of nonprint items such as DVDs, maps, and CDs. Alden Library also houses exemplary special, rare and international collections in the Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections, the Harris Fine Arts Library and the Center for International Collections.
The Libraries’ Web site serves as a gateway to the print and electronic collections. Access to the electronic collections is seamlessly available on campus. Off-campus access is available through authentication as a current affiliate of the University.
Ohio University students and faculty also have easy access to library materials from across the state through OhioLINK, which offers more than 46 million items for quick delivery from nearly 90 other Ohio libraries. Through OCLC (an international network) and other partners, materials from other U.S. libraries and from around the world are available readily for research and study through Interlibrary Loan.
Services and Spaces
Subject librarians offer a variety of available opportunities to assist students in learning to find, evaluate, and properly use quality information, including course-integrated instruction and one-on-one research assistance, all available online or in person. Look for the “Ask a Librarian” links on the Libraries’ websites.
Alden Library’s Learning Commons, a collaborative endeavor with Information Technology and University College, provides students with a technology–rich learning environment. Located on the second floor, the space offers an appealing atmosphere conducive to individual research, group study, or collaborative course projects. The facility houses computer workstations, circulating laptops, multimedia stations, networked printers, access to a variety of software applications and fully equipped group study/presentation rooms. Qualified and friendly library staff offer research assistance, Writing Center tutors provide consultations on writing projects, and technology assistants help users with hardware and software.
Alden Library provides 24-hour access to the Learning Commons (second floor) Sunday through Friday, except for summer semester and intersessions. Hours are extended for the entire building before and during final exams. Alden Library has about 2,500 seats, 15 group study rooms, and over 400 computers available to the University community. All of University Libraries has wireless Internet access.
For more information about Ohio University Libraries, visit our website at
Multicultural Programs
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The Office of Multicultural Programs seeks to provide a diverse range of programs and opportunities that are educational, recreational, social, and cultural. Committed to supporting and promoting multicultural awareness and appreciation, the staff develops programs that increase understanding and appreciation of cultural differences by familiarizing the campus community with the contributions and histories of African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Native American cultures. Other services include:
The office plans and coordinates professional, educational, and cultural programs such as the annual Hispanic Heritage Month, American Indian Heritage Week, Kwanzaa Celebration, Black History Month, and Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month.
The Office of Multicultural Programs has formal advising relationships with the Black Student Cultural Programming Board (BSCPB) and the Ohio University chapter of the National Pan–Hellenic Council (NPHC). The office maintains an informal advising relationship with ethnic student organizations such as the Native Peoples Awareness Coalition (NPAC), and Alpha Psi Lambda, the coed Hispanic–interest fraternity. All of these organizations plan programs and activities that benefit the entire University community.
Cultural Center
The Cultural Center serves as a place where cultural teaching and learning is the focus of all programs and activities. Its focus is intercultural and provides a place where members of the University community, representing a variety of backgrounds, participate in programs and activities. All programming in the Center is designed to increase human understanding through the study and expression of culture.
The Center comprises 5,000 square feet of space, including a community lounge, a large meeting room, an art gallery, a multipurpose room, a computer lab, and office spaces for staff and students.
Activities include art exhibits, musical and literary presentations, organizational meetings, workshops, lectures, discussions, and leadership development and training activities.
Please visit for the latest information about our programs.
The role of the Ombudsman is to facilitate fair and equitable treatment of students, faculty, and staff within the University system. The Ombudsman Office can make inquiries on your behalf, help you make an informed response to your situation, mediate or facilitate discussions, and make recommendations for procedural or policy change. Serving as a neutral and confidential resource for the campus community, the office seeks informal resolution of issues and can also provide advice on formal University grievance procedures.
Parking/Motor Vehicle Registration
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On–campus resident parking is available on a limited basis for students with sophomore status or higher. Periodically, freshmen living on campus may purchase parking if there is parking available in designated areas. Commuter parking is available to all students who live outside a certain radius of campus. More information can be obtained at the Parking Services website at, by stopping by Parking Services located at 100 Factory Street, or by calling 740.593.1917.
Before students can drive or park on Ohio University property, they must register their vehicles with Parking Services. Failure to register a motor vehicle or parking illegally makes the violator subject to penalties as printed on the violation/citation. Motorcycle parking is restricted to specifically designated areas. There is no charge to register vehicles.
Parking maps are also available free of charge at Parking Services.
CATCAB is a free service designed to transport students, faculty, and staff with permanent or temporary mobility limitations. Users of this service are asked to preschedule for transports to classes and other campus functions. CATCAB is available 7:45 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Schedules and other information regarding the use of CATCAB can be obtained by calling 740.597.1909.
Police, Ohio University
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The Ohio University Police Department (OUPD) is a full–service professional law enforcement agency, with uniformed police officers patrolling throughout the campus community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Ohio University police officers patrol on foot, in marked cruisers, and on bicycle. Having a full–time law enforcement agency operating on campus allows uninterrupted safety and security, continual customer service, and immediate response to emergency situations. The Department’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for our community through law enforcement, education, and a team approach to problem solving. The Department is involved in many functions that assist with safety and security of the Ohio University campus and its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Emergency “Blue Light” telephones have been installed on the main entrance of every residence hall as well as various locations throughout the University campus. Issues with safe and secure lighting are also monitored by the Ohio University Police Department. Students and others are encouraged to identify areas on campus they feel are not lighted sufficiently.
Department members provide and participate in educational programs designed to help educate University community members about their own safety and the safety of others.
SAFE–T (Safe Arrival For Everyone—Tonight) Patrol Division. SAFE–T provides a free walking escort to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors at Ohio University. The service is available 7:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. every night of the week during the fall and spring semesters (excluding university recognized holidays). SAFE–T Patrol’s mission and focus is to provide Safe Arrival For Everyone concerned about his/her safety on campus.
A SAFE–T Patrol team will be glad to meet you and escort you safely to your destination within the campus community and limited areas adjacent to campus. While on duty, all teams are under the supervision of a police lieutenant and in constant radio contact with the Ohio University Police Department.
Service can be provided during hours of operation by calling 740.593.4040 or by simply stopping a SAFE–T Patrol team on duty and requesting his/her assistance for a safe walk to your destination. If you need assistance outside the normal hours of operation, please contact the OUPD at 740.593.1911.
The Department of Campus Recreation, under the administration of the Division of Student Affairs, has a deep tradition of excellence by providing a variety of programming in an environment conducive to the holistic development of our participants and employees. Through the establishment of learning outcomes, the department promotes the physical, emotional, and social growth of individuals by encouraging the development of lifelong skills and positive attitudes through recreational activities.
The department’s facilities include the Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center, Aquatic Center, Bird Ice Arena, Challenge Course, Golf and Tennis Center, Disc Golf Course, Driving Range, and an Outdoor Pursuits Service Center. Campus Recreation programs include Intramural Sports, Club Sports, Outdoor Adventure Program, Challenge Program, and Fitness Program.
The Aquatic Center features a 50–meter–by–25–yard indoor swimming pool with two three–meter and two one–meter diving boards, an underwater observation area for viewing swimming and diving techniques, and a sun deck. Activities include lap and recreational swimming, aqua aerobics, kayaking, scuba, and learn-to-swim programs for all ages and abilities.
Bird Ice Arena is an indoor facility that features an illuminated 190–by–85–foot ice surface with a seamless crystaplex dasher board system. The arena is equipped with skate rentals, skate sharpening, pro shop, concession stand, and a viewing/party lounge. Bird Arena serves as home ice for the Ohio University ice hockey club team. Other activities include recreational skating, academic classes, intramural broomball, recreational hockey, learn–to–skate programs, and figure skating.
The Ping Center showcases a 36–foot–high, double–sided climbing wall, five basketball/volleyball courts, two multipurpose gymnasiums, an elevated four–lane running track, and eight racquetball courts (two convert to squash courts and four convert to wallyball courts). The fitness area and free weight room provide users with a variety of cardiovascular and resistance training equipment, including equipment for physically challenged individuals. Spacious group fitness and combative arts rooms are also available. The lounge is furnished with sofas, chairs, chess tables, a big–screen television, dance floor, and e–mail stations.
The Golf and Tennis Center, consists of a nine–hole, par–35 golf course, putting greens, four indoor tennis courts, and six outdoor tennis courts. The indoor tennis courts are covered by a 40–foot tent structure, allowing players to compete in state–of–the–art playing conditions. The clubhouse offers golf and tennis equipment rentals, golf cart rental, racket restringing, private lessons, concessions, and resale items.
The illuminated 300–yard driving range is located on West State Street and can accommodate approximately 30 drivers.
From the #1 tee on the front lawn of the Ping Center, the nine–hole disc golf course is played similarly to traditional golf except players attempt to land a Frisbee–type disc into an elevated metal basket that serves as a catcher. Individual discs or sets may be purchased at the Golf and Tennis Center.
The Outdoor Pursuits Program provides opportunities for outdoor adventure sports and activities. It features outdoor adventure trips, outdoor clinics, gear rental and sales, an outdoor climbing tower, a low–and high–challenge course, and an indoor climbing wall.
The Challenge Course is an enjoyable and exciting way to work toward various goals with a group. Through a variety of elements and team–building activities, the course takes participants to new heights. It comprises a low course and a high course, in which participants utilize their physical and mental strengths to reach individual and group goals. The Challenge Course is available on a private rental basis to groups of 10–15. Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the community are welcome.
The department administers more than 35 recognized club sports on campus. Each club is operated by students and establishes an organizational framework, leadership, and a schedule to meet the needs of its members. New clubs can be organized if they meet the needs of the University community. Many of the outdoor club sport activities take place on the South Green club sports fields, the Stimson Avenue club sports fields, and the West State Street club sports fields. Use of these fields is by reservation only.
The Fitness Program offers diverse program opportunities, including group fitness sessions ranging from traditional Step and Zumba. Workshops offer exciting activities such as Ping 7X and cycling. Personal fitness training and fitness assessments also are available. Two licensed massage therapists offer 30 and 60–minute massages.
The Intramural Sports Program offers a diverse set of structured activities for students, faculty, and staff including individual, dual, and team sports for men, women, and coed teams. Team activities include dodgeball, basketball, broomball, flag football, floor hockey, indoor soccer, sand volleyball, outdoor soccer, softball, and volleyball. Team sports activities are scheduled in leagues, which play during the afternoons and evenings. Individual and dual activities are offered for badminton, corn hole, golf, racquetball, squash, table tennis, and tennis. Individual and dual activities may be scheduled events or are scheduled to fit the availability of the participants.
The department also offers recreational special events throughout the year. For more information on facilities and programs, call 740.597.CREC or visit
Registrar, University
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The Office of the University Registrar provides a wide range of services to the academic community. The mission of the Office of the University Registrar is:
- to support the academic mission and purpose of the University;
- to provide information and academic services to the University community in an efficient, user–friendly manner while ensuring accuracy, integrity, and confidentiality of academic records;
- to provide exemplary service by continually improving our business processes for registration, scheduling, academic records, degree audit, and related functions;
- to effectively communicate procedures and responsibilities for the successful use of our services; and
- to adhere to policies and model the highest standards of the registrar profession.
Many services are available online at Services for students include registration, Schedule of Classes, grade reports, address update, class schedules, transcripts, degree audit (DARS) reports, and graduation application. Services for faculty include the Faculty & Advising Center (class lists/grading, advisee lists/degree audit reports, and tools to communicate with their students). Other services provided by the Office of the University Registrar include classroom scheduling, veterans educational benefits, degree and enrollment verification, re–enrollment processing, and maintenance of student personal information (address, phone, name, etc.).
The office is open 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday–Friday. Visit Registrar Services, first floor lobby, Chubb Hall; call 740.593.4191; or e–mail
Risk Management and Safety
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Located at University Service Center 142, 49 Factory Street, Risk Management and Safety (RMS) combines the dedicated technical and professional staff in the departments of Emergency Programs, Environmental Health and Safety, Radiation Safety, and Risk Management and Insurance. We forge the vital link between a safe and healthy campus environment and the University mission through competent and dependable services. Programs are administered to ensure the health and safety of faculty, staff, students, and visitors. The department works to ensure compliance with fire authority, health department, OSHA, CDC, EPA, NRC, DOT, and other regulatory agency requirements. A multidisciplinary professional staff coordinates programs in environmental sanitation, food sanitation, pest control, radiation safety, occupational health and safety, ergonomics, indoor air quality, infectious waste, asbestos and lead abatement, emergency program management, environmental management, industrial hygiene, fire safety, biosafety, insurance claims management, and hazardous materials management. Training programs are also conducted. For more information about the Department of RMS, visit our website at
Student Accessibility Services (formerly Disability Services)
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It is the mission of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to ensure equal opportunity and access for students of the Ohio University community. Central to this mission is the development of an academic environment that is accessible to all people without the need for adaptation. While working toward the goal of full inclusion, accommodations must still be provided on an individual basis.
At the college level, it is the individual student’s responsibility to initiate the registration process with Student Accessibility Services. Students may initiate a request to Student Accessibility Services at any point in their academic career. To be eligible for disability services a student must:
- submit current disability documentation (as described below);
- receive notification from an accessibility coordinator that you are eligible; and
- schedule and attend an intake appointment with your assigned accessibility coordinator
The type of documentation required depends on the individual disability. Guidelines for documentation are available on our website or inquiries may also be made in person or by phone.
Student Accessibility Services
Baker University Center 348
Athens, OH 45701
Telephone: 740.593.2620
Fax: 740.593.0790
Student Senate is the elected representative voice of the student body and is part of the network of campus governmental bodies that also includes the Administrative Senate, Classified Senate, Faculty Senate, and Graduate Student Senate. Student Senate initiates programs and coordinates activities beneficial to students. Student Senate is responsible for the appointment of undergraduate students to University committees, and for allocating approximately $400,000 a year to student organizations. You are encouraged to contact the Student Senate for help in resolving issues and for information regarding programs and projects.
The mission of Ohio University Women’s Center is to act as a catalyst to promote awareness, education, and advocacy about women, gender, and diversity among faculty, staff, and students at Ohio University and in surrounding communities. In fulfilling its mission, the center provides students, faculty, and staff with information, services, and programs that address matters of particular concern to women, while exploring the connections among gender, race, economic status, sexual orientation, culture, religion, political views, and other significant elements in relation to women’s individuality and collective identity.
The center offers regularly scheduled educational and cultural programming on issues relating to women and gender throughout the academic year. Activities include a weekly series of brown bag presentations, formal and informal support groups, and movie nights, as well as lectures, discussions, and other public events. The center houses a library of women–related books and magazines, provides meeting space for student and community groups, offers resources for women on campus and in the community, and provides advocacy on gender issues. The center also sponsors a mentoring program for women students and will host a women’s leadership initiative in the future. Please visit the center’s website at for more information.
The Women’s Center also operates the Ohio University Survivor Advocacy Program, which is located in McKee House, 44 University Terrace. Its mission is to create a SAFE campus where victims and survivors of sexual assault, stalking, and dating and domestic violence are thoroughly respected and supported. We work to empower the campus community to deal with these issues through confidential advocacy, education and resources. The Survivor Advocacy Program provides confidential support services for victims of sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, or is experiencing domestic/dating violence or stalking, you can call our 24/7 hotline: 740.597.7723 (SAFE).