Office of Graduate Studies
The Office of Graduate Studies assists students with the University processes of admission, registration, and graduate appointment contracts, and electronic theses and dissertations, and is a source of information on matters affecting graduate students. Personnel in this office are available for consultation and assistance on matters of interest to graduate students. All official graduate files are kept in this office.
Click on a link to be taken to the entry below.
The Office of Career Services offers assistance in making career decisions, exploring career options, and conducting effective job searches. Services include:
Individual advising on career decisionmaking and job search strategies;
Seminars on career decision making, résumé preparation, interview techniques, and other career-related topics;
A Mock Interview Program that allows you to practice and improve your interview performance;
Career fairs that bring a wide variety of employers to campus to discuss career and job opportunities;
A Career Resource Center containing a wealth of career information: career guides, employer directories, graduate school guides, admissions test bulletins, summer job and internship listings, employer literature, and professional job vacancies.
In addition to the above services, which are free to all students, the office also offers the Online Job Search Program for students who will graduate in the current academic year. This program consists of three special services: computerized résumé referrals, Bobcat Job postings, and oncampus interviewing. To be eligible for this program, you must register with the office by attending a registration orientation session that explains services and procedures; paying a nominal fee;and submitting required materials.
The Career Services Web site- provide general career information and connect you with a range of other jobhunting resources on the Internet.
You are encouraged to contact Career Services, Lindley Hall 185, telephone 740.593.2909, for assistance in all career-related matters.
Computer Services provides stateof-the-art computing resources and facilities to Ohio University students. The main offices for Computer Services are in the Computer Service Center.
Computer Labs
Lab computers can be used to access the Internet and various software programs. For specific software located in the computer labs visit, Lab locations include Computer Services Center, Boyd Hall, and Brown Hall. In addition, a combinedLibrary/Computer Services’ “Learning Commons” computer lab is available on the second floor of Alden Library. Many departments also operate computing labs for their own students. Approximately 50 labs are available on campus-some labs are open to all majors, some labs are restricted to people within a certain major. All labs contain laser printers for high-quality output. Hours for the computer labs are posted there on a quarterly basis.
Educational Testing Center
The Educational Testing Center is a computer based testing facility that offers numerous testing sessions per week. Available tests include the GMAT, GRE, Praxis I, and TOEFL. Visit for a complete listing of tests, hours of operation, and other important information.
Ohio University has several software site licenses that provide software to students. Visit http://www.ohio. edu/software/ for more information, including eligibility, cost, and how to obtain the software.
Counseling and Psychological Services
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Counseling and Psychological services are available to graduate and undergraduate students on an individual and group basis for educational, career, and personal adjustment concerns. Confidential consultations are provided by a staff of counselors, psychologists, and trainees.
If you are facing personal problems of any kind (emotional, social, marital, substance abuse, stress, etc.), you can receive help in understanding and resolving those difficulties. Workshops on a variety of topics, designed to support the educational, social, and personal growth of students, are frequently offered. If you are concerned about a friend or family member, you can consult with a mental health professional about your worries.
If you are having academic difficulties, you can receive help in understanding and resolving your concerns so that you can improve your performance.
If you are uncertain about your educational or career objectives, you can obtain assistance in appraising your abilities, interests, performance, etc., so you can identify more appropriate and satisfying directions.
To make an appointment, contact the receptionist on the third floor of Hudson Health Center or call 740.593.1616 between 8 a.m. and noon or 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Cultural Events and Entertainment
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University students have the opportunity to see theatrical productions produced by the Ohio University School of Theater during the academic year. In addition, the Ohio Valley Summer Theater stages two productions during the summer.
The School of Music offers recitals and concerts by students, faculty, and visiting artists, and the School of Music Opera Workshop produces an annual opera.
The Performing Arts Series comprises 10 to 14 national and international programs that include symphony orchestras, Broadway theater, dance, recitalists, choral, and ethnic programs.
A variety of art exhibitions are available in the University’s Kennedy Museum of American Art. Additional exhibitions, including work by the School of Art faculty and students, are displayed in the Seigfred Hall and Trisolini Galleries.
Pop concerts by contemporary entertainers are sponsored by student organizations on campus. First-run movies, foreign films, experimental movies, and classic films are shown throughout the year.
The University invites distinguished speakers and artists to appear in recital or to lecture informally on campus through the Schools of Theater, Music, and Dance; the Kennedy Lecture Series, Frontiers in Science Lecture Series, and Student Lectures.
The University’s public radio stations, WOUB-AM and -FM, and public television station, WOUB-TV, provide entertaining and educational programming for the University and community.
The Office for Institutional Equity is committed to assuring equality of opportunity and full participation at Ohio University for persons with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities such as walking, seeing, hearing, performing manual tasks, or learning; a record of such impairment; or being regarded as having such an impairment. Persons requiring reasonable accom-modations for disabilities must provide documentation and register with the Office for Institutional Equity. The office provides guidelines for required documentation of a disability. All information concerning disabilities is confidential.
The Office for Institutional Equity has the primary responsibility for identifying and coordinating services to meet the particular needs of the person with a disability. General services include priority scheduling, information to faculty regarding academic accommodations, transportation assistance, tutoring and study skills assistance through the Academic Advancement Center, learning and study services including liaison with Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, library assistance, and work-place and housing accommodations.
All students, regardless of disability, are subject to established academic requirements. Ohio University recognizes the need for reasonable accommodations to promote program accessibility. If you have a disability, contact the Office for Institutional Equity located in Crewson House to discuss your individual needs. Visit our Web site at
The Graduate Council reviews, coordinates, and serves as an advocate for graduate education at Ohio University. The council has both advisory and policy-recommending responsibilities for graduate education. The council initiates, reviews, and recommends University-wide policy and new directions for graduate education.
The Graduate Council recommends to the University Curriculum Council the initiation, implementation, and elimination of graduate programs and degrees at Ohio University. Other recommendations by the council go through the provost to the president for final approval.
Graduate Council selects the annual finalists for the Named Graduate Fellowships, and reviews and nominates graduate students for selected regional and national competitions.
The composition of the Graduate Council represents both departments that grant doctoral degrees and those offering only master’s degrees.
Graduate Student Senate
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The Graduate Student Senate is composed of student representatives from each graduate academic department. It represents the graduate student body in the University community and provides a forum in which graduate students can discuss issues related to their concerns about both academic and nonacademic aspects of the community.
The Graduate Student Senate is recognized by the University as the representative graduate student organization, and is therefore responsible for recommending graduate students for positions on University standing committees. The senate also awards the Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award, the Outstanding Graduate Student Award, and the Graduate Student Senate John Houk Memorial Research Grants for graduate student research. Other Graduate Student Senate activities include workshops on such topics as grant writing and library resource system identification and use, and yearly research activities on the quality of graduate life and education.
The Graduate Student Senate meets on a regular basis. All meetings are announced and open to the public.
For more information or a copy of the Graduate Student Senate constitution, contact the president of Graduate Student Senate, Ohio University, Athens OH 45701-2979, telephone 740.593.1899. The Web address is
The Student Health Service is located in Hudson Health Center on the North Green. As an enrolled student, you have access to medical care in the ambulatory care clinic on a walk-in basis Monday through Friday. Your eligibility for services does not depend on purchasing student health insurance.
Serving you in the outpatient clinic are a pharmacy, a medical laboratory, x-ray facilities, and a physical therapy department. The staff includes physicians, registered nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists, and registered laboratory and x-ray technicians. A medical record is maintained.
If you are an international student, you must have a tuberculosis skin test upon first arriving in Athens or returning to the campus after an absence of two or more years. This test is given free of charge. Check the current Schedule of Classes for time and place.
Ohio University requires students to maintain a health insurance plan. Domestic students taking seven or more hours and international students taking one or more hours will automatically be billed for insurance. The major medical plan offered by the University is designed to supplement the care provided by the Student Health Service. Graduate students participating in an internship or coop program, or completing a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, may also be eligible.
The plan, subject to the benefits and exclusions of the policy, provides protection against major medical and surgical expenses for the insured student at home, at school, or while traveling anywhere in the world. In addition to accident and sickness benefits, the policy includes repatriation, medical evacuation, and accidental death benefits.
If you are married or a single parent, you may purchase the University accident and sickness plan for your spouse and dependent children. For more information regarding student insurance, you can call the Student Health Service at 740.597.1816.
A complete information service in the lobby of Baker University Center answers questions regarding University services, programs, campus events, and facilities. For information, call 740.593.4000.
The Information Center has Ohio University brochures, the Campus Directory, academic and social calendars, and researches questions when information is not immediately available. In addition, it provides check cashing services.
For University personnel and student telephone numbers during the day, call the switchboard 740.593.1000.
Institutional Equity
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It is the policy of Ohio University that there shall be no discrimination against any individual in educational or employment opportunities because of race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, or disability. Also, there shall be no discrimination because of age except in compliance with age requirements of retirement plans or state and federal laws and guidelines.
Furthermore, the University conducts a vigorous affirmative action program in order to promote equal employment opportunities and to ensure nondiscrimination in all educational programs and activities.
It is a goal of Ohio University to increase the representation of underrepresented students in all of its graduate programs, and to that end, specific efforts are being made by individual academic departments to recruit minority graduate students. Special opportunities for minority and/or female students have been created through grant funds in several areas, including telecommunications, osteopathic medicine, electrical engineering, psychology, and health careers.
For more information about special opportunities, contact the graduate chair in the specific department or the dean’s office in the appropriate college.
Harassment Policy
Harassment of students, staff, or faculty is not acceptable behavior at Ohio University. No male or female member of the Ohio University community including faculty, contract staff, classified staff, and students may harass any other member of the community. Many forms of harassment are discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and thereby illegal under law as well as a violation of Ohio University policy. Ohio University is committed to maintaining an environment in which every individual can work, study, and live without being harassed. Harassment may lead to sanctions up to and including termination of employment or student status.
Harassment is any conduct that has the intent or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s or group’s educational, living, or work environment. Harassment includes conduct relating to race, color, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or veteran status.
In addition, sexual harassment includes unwanted advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
1) Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or of a student’s status in a course, program, or activity.
2) Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for decisions affecting the individual.
3) Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual’s work, performance, or educational experience or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for work or learning.
Nonsexual verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility toward another because of the person’s gender can be the basis for a hostile, offensive, or intimidating environment claim. Gender-based conduct can take the form of abusive written or graphic material; epithets; sexist slurs; negative stereotyping; jokes; or threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts.
All Ohio University employees and students are responsible for compliance with this policy. All University supervisory personnel have an affirmative responsibility to discourage and eliminate conduct inconsistent with this policy. Complaints can be received and investigated only by employees who have been authorized by the institution. Any individual who is not authorized but is approached about concerns or complaints regarding harassment must direct the complainant to an authorized employee. Because of their positions or the nature of their work, the following individuals, or their designees, shall be authorized to receive and investigate inquiries and complaints: representatives from the Office for Institutional Equity, University Judiciaries, Legal Affairs, Ombuds, and Human Resources. When authorized employees are contacted with a complaint, they must consult with the Office for Institutional Equity.
International Students
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Information on graduate admission is available from the Office of Graduate Student Services, McKee House.
Financial Aid
Assistantships are available from academic departments. Students should contact departments directly. Entering international students are eligible to apply for awards based on academic promise; those already enrolled at Ohio University may apply for the same awards, and in addition, may request special aid in cases of demonstrated need. Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.
More than 20 internationally oriented student organizations exist at Ohio University, representing national, regional, religious, and social interests. They join together for special programs throughout the year. Programming reaches a high point in spring during International Week and the International Street Fair, conducted in cooperation with the City of Athens and the International Student Union.
The International Student Union (ISU)
ISU functions at Ohio University as the umbrella organization for more than 20 international student organizations and serves as the programming body for the international community on campus. ISU members come from all corners of the world, representing the collective educational, cultural, and developmental interests of more than 100 countries.
Athens Friends of International Students (AFIS)
AFIS runs a hospitality program and an International and Community Women’s Program, and, on a modest scale, matches international students with local American families. Visits may be only for a dinner or an afternoon excursion, but sometimes long friendships develop from this brief opportunity to gain insight into American home life. The International and Community Women’s Program brings together wives of foreign students on campus and interested wives of faculty and community people. It serves as a forum for ideas and information and offers a productive and easy way to participate in University life.
Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE)
The OPIE administers English proficiency examinations to new international students and provides intensive language instruction for those needing it. (See descriptions of courses and programs elsewhere in this catalog.)
The Office of International Student and Faculty Services
The Office of International Student and Faculty Services offers consultation about any concern, including immigration, financial, and personal problems. All new students, as well as returning students starting a new degree program, must report to this office upon arrival. An orientation program will be conducted for a few days before the opening of each quarter to introduce new students to the campus.
The Office of International Student and Faculty Services also works with other departments and organizations on campus such as Residence Life, Student Life, International Studies, Phi Beta Delta, and the Fulbright Alumni Association to promote programs, such as cross-cultural awareness workshops, which create a supportive climate for international students.
International Family Program
Support services are provided to international families through the Office of International Student and Faculty Services. Upon arrival, family members are given information about health care and insurance, English language classes, community services, and social activities. International advisors are also available for consultation on immigration and employment questions.
The University Libraries support research, teaching, and learning at Ohio University, providing print and electronic collections, and serving as an information resource center for students and faculty. The Vernon Roger Alden Library, located on the College Green, is the central library facility on the Athens campus.
Staff. The Alden Library staff consists of 102 trained and experienced individuals, most of whom are assigned to providing assistance and consultation to library users in person and online. Librarians utilize two computer labs in Alden Library for a variety of orientation and instructional programs to help students understand the variety of information resources available from the Libraries.
Collections. The Libraries’ collections include more than 2 million printed volumes, over 12,000 e-books, and subscriptions to about 28,000 journals and magazines, including 6,000 in electronic format. In addition, the collections of maps, microforms, photographs, videos, CDs, and other non-print items number nearly 3 million.
Services. The Libraries’ participation in OhioLINK, the online network of 84 academic libraries in Ohio, provides convenient requesting and quick delivery of library materials statewide. Through OCLC, an international network, and other national and global agreements, materials in more distant research collections are readily available to University students and faculty for research and study. Document delivery and current awareness services are also available to assist in study and research.
Alden Library is open 139 hours per week, and provides 24 hour access to the Learning Commons Sunday through Thursday. Hours are extended at the end of each quarter, before and during final exams. For those who use the library for reading and study, there are about 2,500 seats and, for group projects, a number of group study rooms.
Alden Library Learning Commons, a collaborative endeavor with Computer Services and University College, provides students with a technology-enriched learning environment. Located on the 2nd floor with seating for approximately 300, the Learning Commons offers an appealing atmosphere conducive to individual research, group study, or collaborative course projects. The state-of-the-art facility houses 100 computer workstations, multimedia stations, networked printers, and access to a variety of software applications. In addition, the Learning Commons “desktop” is applied to the more than 200 public workstations located throughout the building to provide a common interface to library resources for all users. Qualified and friendly library staff offer reference assistance and research consultation, Writing Center advisors provide consultations on writing projects, and Computer Services assistants help users with hardware and software. With the exception of finals week and intersession, the Learning Commons is open 24 hours Sunday through Thursday and until midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.
The Library also houses Archives and Special Collections, Center for International Collections, Fine Arts Library, Government Documents, Health Sciences Library, and the Media Library. The Music/Dance Library, and integral component of University Libraries, is housed in Glidden Hall (The School of Music and a periodical reading room for the Department of Mathematics is maintained in Morton Hall. Lesserused library material is stored off-site at the Southeast Ohio Regional Library Depository (Alden Library Annex), which delivers requested material to Alden Library twice daily. Each of the Ohio University regional campuses also has a library.
Instructional Media and Technology Services (IMTS). IMTS, located on the second floor of the library, provides audiovisual equipment and services to the entire University community. IMTS lends more than 14,000 instructional video and DVD titles. Graphic production services, including research poster displays, digital AV and Web materials, are available upon faculty request. Audiovisual equipment such as projectors and recorders can be rented by registered campus student organizations.
For more information about the Ohio University libraries, visit our World Wide Web site:
Motor Vehicles/Registration
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Parking information can be obtained at the Parking Services Web site: http:// or by stopping by Parking Services located at 100 Factory Street, or by calling 740.593.1917. Parking services also handles distribution of garage permit sales, as well. Before students can drive or park on Ohio University property, they must register their vehicle with Parking Services. Failure to register a motor vehicle or parking illegally makes the violator subject to penalties as printed on the violation/citation. Motorcycle parking is restricted to specifically designated areas. There is no charge to register vehicles. Parking maps are also available free of charge at Parking Services. CATCAB is a free service designed to transport students, faculty, and staff with permanent or temporary mobility limitations. Users of this service are asked to pre-schedule for transports to classes and other campus functions. CATCAB is available 7:45 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Schedules and other information regarding the use of CATCAB can be obtained by calling 740.597.1909.
The Ombuds serves as an advocate for fairness while assisting students and other members of the University community in resolving problems. The Ombuds works as a change agent when issues or concerns repeatedly emerge, and serves as a resource on University policies and procedures.
Further duties include assisting individuals in accomplishing the expeditious settlement of their problems: intervening in the bureaucratic process on behalf of individuals when that process unnecessarily or unfairly impinges upon them, and using broad investigatory powers through direct and ready access to all University officials of instruction and administration. Complaints and grievances brought to the office are handled with confidentiality. Finally, the Ombuds reports valid complaints directly to the president when no remedy has been found elsewhere in the University.
The University Ombuds Office is located at Crewson House 200, telephone 740.593.2627.
The Ohio University Police Department (OUPD) is a full-service professional law enforcement agency, with uniformed police officer patrolling throughout the campus community 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. Ohio University Police Officers patrol on foot, in marked cruisers, and on bicycle. Having a full-time law enforcement agency operating on campus allows uninterrupted safety and security, continuous customer service, and immediate response to emergency situations. The department’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for our community through law enforcement, education, and a team approach to problem solving. The department is involved in many functions that assist with safety and security of the Ohio University campus and its students, staff,faculty, and visitors. Emergency “Blue Light” telephones have been installed on the main entrance of every residence hall as well as various locations throughout the University campus. Issues with safe and secure lighting are also monitored by the Ohio University Police Department. Students and others are encouraged to identify areas on campus they feel are not sufficiently lighted.
Department members provide and participate in educational programs designed to help educate University community members about their own safety and the safety of others.
The SAFE-T (Safe Arrival For Everyone-Tonight) Patrol Division provides a free walking escort to all students, staff, faculty, and visitors at Ohio University. The service is available every night of the week during the academic quarters. SAFE-T Patrol’s mission and focus is to provide Safe Arrival For Everyone concerned about their safety on campus.
A SAFE-T Patrol team will be glad to meet you and escort you safely to your destination within the campus community and limited areas adjacent to campus. While on duty, all teams are under the supervision of a police lieutenant and in constant radio contact with the Ohio University Police Department.
Hours of operation are 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. every night during the academic quarter. We do not operate on recognized holidays. Service can be provided during hours of operation by calling 740.593.4040 or by simply stopping a SAFE-T Patrol team on duty and requesting their assistance for a safe walk to your destination. If you need assistance outside the normal hours of operation, please contact the OUPD at 593.1911.
The Division of Campus Recreation, under the administration of the College of Health and Human Services, is committed to the health and wellness of the Ohio University community. A commitment is made to improve the quality of life by providing quality facilities and programs and ensuring customer satisfaction.
The division is composed of these facilities: Aquatic Center, Bird Ice Arena, Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center, disc golf, driving range, Golf and Tennis Center, Outdoor Pursuits Rental Center and the Challenge Course. There are programs in club sports, fitness, intramural sports, and outdoor pursuits. These areas complement one another in providing students with facilities and programs to meet their recreational interests and also fulfill University goals by encouraging physical, emotional, and social growth.
The Aquatic Center features a long course indoor swimming pool that has two three-meter and two onemeter diving boards, an underwater observation area for viewing swimming and diving techniques, and a sun deck.
Bird Ice Arena is an indoor arena that features an illuminated 190-by-85 foot ice surface with fiberglass dasher boards. The arena is equipped with skate rentals, skate sharpening, pro shop, concession stand, and a viewing/ party lounge. Bird Arena serves as home ice for the Ohio University Ice Hockey Club Team and Synchronized Ice Skating Team. Other activities include recreational skating, Recreation and Sport Science classes, Intramural broomball, recreational hockey, learnto- skate programs, figure skating, and late night skate sessions.
The Ping Center is one of the largest campus recreational facilities in the country. The center offers a 36-foot high double-sided climbing wall, five basketball/volleyball courts, two multipurpose gymnasiums, an elevated fourlane running track, eight racquetball courts (two convert to squash courts and four convert to wallyball courts), and a combative arts room. A small games area offers billard tables, table tennis, air hockey, and foosball. The fitness area and free weight room provides users with a variety of cardiovascular and resistance training equipment, including equipment for physically challenged individuals. Spacious aerobics and combative arts rooms are also available. The lounge is furnished with sofas, chairs, chest tables, a big screen television, dance floor, and electronic mail stations.
The Golf and Tennis Center, located immediately next to the Ping Center, consists of a nine-hole Par 35 golf course, putting greens, four indoor tennis courts, and six outdoor tennis courts. The indoor tennis courts are covered by a 40-foot tent structure, allowing players to compete in stateof- the-art playing conditions. The clubhouse offers golf and tennis equipment rentals, golf cart rental, racquet restringing, private lessons, concessions, and resale items.
The illuminated 300-yard driving range is located on West State Street and can accommodate approximately 30 drivers.
Located at the Golf and Tennis Center, the nine-hole disc golf course is played similar to traditional golf except that players attempt to land a Frisbee-type disc into an elevated metal basket that serves as a catcher. Individual discs or sets may be purchased at the center. The Outdoor Pursuits Program provides opportunities for outdoor adventure sports and activities. It offers outdoor trips, outdoor clinics, gear rental and sales, an outdoor climbing tower, a low and high challenge course, and an indoor climbing wall. The Outdoor Pursuits Program is housed in the Ping Center.
The Outdoor Pursuits Rental and Sales Center offers for rent or sale backpacking, camping, climbing, canoeing, and scuba diving equipment. The rental center is located outside the east wing of the Ping Center next to the loading dock.
The Challenge Course, also known as a ropes course, is a fun and exciting way to work towards various goals with a group. Through a variety of elements and team-building activities, the course takes participants to new heights. Composed of a low course and a high course, participants utilize their physical and mental strengths to reach individual and group goals. The Challenge Course is available on a private rental basis to groups of 10-15. Students, faculty/ staff, alumni, and the community are welcome.
The Ping Center, Aquatic Center, and the Golf and Tennis Center, open year round, are available to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. The Golf and Tennis Center is also available to the community. The Aquatic Center is open to the community during lap and recreational swim times; the Ping Center is available to the community on special weekend events and as guests of students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Bird Arena and driving range operations are seasonal and open to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the community.
The division administers more than 30 recognized club sports on campus. Each club is run by students and establishes an organizational framework, leadership, and a schedule to meet the needs of its members. New clubs can be organized if they meet the needs of the University community. Many of the outdoor club sport activities take place on the South Green club sports fields, the Stimson Avenue club sports fields, and the West State Street club sports fields. Use of these fields is by reservation only.
The Fitness Program offers diverse program opportunities, including fitness sessions ranging from traditional Step and Hi/Lo to Cardio Kick. Mind/ Body sessions offer exciting activities such as Yoga and Pilates®. Personal fitness training and fitness assessments also are available. A registered dietician is on staff to provide nutritional services. Two licensed massage therapists offer 30- and 60-minute massages.
The Intramural Sports Program offers a diverse set of structured activities for students, faculty, and staff. The program offers individual, dual, and team sports for men, women, and coed teams. Team activities include dodgeball, basketball, bowling, broomball, flag football, floor hockey, indoor soccer, sand volleyball, outdoor soccer, softball, volleyball, and wallyball. Team sports activities are scheduled in leagues, which play during the afternoons and evenings. Individual and dual activities are offered for air hockey, badminton, bench press, billiards, cross country, darts, disc golf, foosball, horseshoes, racquetball, squash, table tennis, tennis, and wrestling. Individual and dual activities may be scheduled events or are scheduled to fit the availability of the participants.
The division also offers recreational special events throughout the year. For more information on facilities and programs, call 740.597.CREC or visit our Web site at
University Registrar
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The Office of the University Registrar provides a wide range of services to the academic community. The mission is to provide these services in an efficient manner that allows students and other members of the academic community to use the services with minimum difficulty and maximum satisfaction. A guiding principle is always to respond to legitimate requests for information or services as quickly and accurately as possible. When the requested information or service is not the responsibility of the office, then the principle is to help the student, faculty/ staff member learn how to get the help they need. This is done always within the spirit of the University’s policies and standards, helping those we serve get what they have a right to expect and understand what they do not have a right to expect.
Many services are available online at Services for students include registration, schedule of classes, grade reports, address update, class schedules, transcripts, and graduation application. Faculty may obtain class lists and advisee lists and use these tools to communicate with their students. Other services provided by the Office of the University Registrar include classroom scheduling, veterans educational benefits, degree and enrollment verification, re-enrollment processing, and maintenance of student personal information (address, phone, name, etc.).
The office is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. (Summer and winter break hours vary according to University policy.) Visit the Registrar Services Windows, first floor lobby, Chubb Hall; call 740.593.4191; or e-mail
The office helps faculty, staff, and students conduct responsible research in today’s regulatory environment. Research Compliance is the central point of contact for researchers seeking assistance with research regulation issues. All human subjects research must receive approval or a signed letter of exemption prior to initiation of work. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) approves human subjects research. All use of live, vertebrate animals in research and teaching must receive approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) prior to initiation of work. The office provides training opportunities on research compliance topics.
Research and Sponsored Programs
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The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) assists faculty, staff and students in interpreting guidelines, preparing proposals, negotiating terms and conditions, and obtaining awards for external support of research, scholarship, creative activities, theses, dissertations, fellowships, and other projects. ORSP provides online subscriptions to funding source databases. Access is available to all members of the University community. ORSP can facilitate electronic proposal submission. Graduate students may be appointed to externally-supported faculty-directed projects as Graduate Research Assistants and when eligible receive a stipend and tuition scholarship.
Residence Hall Residence Services
Many graduate students find oncampus living to be a convenient and comfortable option. Residence hall options for graduate students include buildings designated for graduate students and students over 21 years of age; air conditioned facilities; and facilities with in-room computers and printers. Predominant room styles include doubles and singles, and there are a few triples and quads. Most residence hall space designated for graduate students is on South Green.
Residence hall housing is secured by returning the housing acceptance agreement to Ohio University Residence Services. Priority for residence hall assignments is established by the date the agreement is returned. Assignments are made in the order the agreements are received; those received earlier are assigned first.
The Residence Services agreement is binding for the entire academic year (fall, winter, and spring quarters), unless you graduate or otherwise leave the University. Once the academic year begins, it is highly unlikely that a continuing student will be released from the contractual obligation that is assumed when the agreement is returned.
Dining Services
Five basic meal plans are offered to help meet a variety of needs. You do not have to live on campus to participate in one of the meal plans, but may purchase any of the plans as an off-campus student. The 10-meal plan is the least expensive and is for light eaters or those who anticipate eating most of their meals off campus. The 14- meal plan allows you to select any 14 meals during a seven-day period and is a good choice if you tend to spend your weekends away from campus or prefer two meals a day. The 20-meal plan allows you to eat all meals served during a seven-day period. The most economical of the meal plans, it is preferred by those who eat almost exclusively on campus, athletes, and hearty eaters. The Super 20 is for those who want 20 meals a week and don’t want to forfeit the value of a meal that they may miss or skip. Both the Super 20 and Super 14 allow you to use missed meal credits, either by taking a friend to the dining hall or by getting items from one of the snack bars, convenience, or walk-up window. This plan may be shared with another student. For the 10-, 14- and 20-meal plans, weekly missed meals are forfeited; the plans are not transferable. All University food service contracts are binding for the entire academic year for on-campus students. Off-campus students may purchase a quarterly meal plan contract.
University Apartments
Ohio University apartments are rented primarily to married students, students with children, and single graduate students. The Wolfe Street Apartments are located on the southeast corner of the main campus, near the Ping Recreation Center. Fifty units are available in a two-story brick building: 38 one-bedroom units, 8 bedroom/ nurseries, and 4 efficiencies. Outdoor parking facilities, coin-operated laundries, and a fenced playground are located in the complex.
Wolfe Street apartments are furnished. Furnishings in the apartments do not include linens, bedding, dishes, lamps, or rugs. All apartments are equipped with an electric range, refrigerator, and miniblinds. All utilities are included in the monthly rent, including monthly television cable service and ethernet access. A telephone outlet is provided in each unit. Tenants are responsible for paying for phone service. Air conditioners are permitted with an additional installation and electricity surcharge fee providing that there is sufficient electrical capacity. All guidelines established by the University regarding air conditioner usage must be followed.
Interim Housing
The University tries to provide graduate students with housing at a nominal cost during the breaks between the fall and winter quarters and the winter and spring quarters, when residence halls are closed. Interim housing will likely involve a temporary change of residence.
For a period of about 40 days-from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day-Ohio University is not in session. You should plan to have sufficient funds to cover living expenses for this period. Dining Service is not available on campus during this time.
If you have questions about the residence halls or want information concerning University apartments, contact Residence Service, Chubb Hall 60, Athens OH 45701, telephone 740.593.4090, e-mail website