Mar 06, 2025  
OHIO University Graduate Catalog 2005-2007 
OHIO University Graduate Catalog 2005-2007 [Archived Catalog]

Schedule of Fees

Click on a link to be taken to the entry below.

Payment of all assessed fees at the times designated is prerequisite to official enrollment. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Ohio University in the exact amount of the fees. Postdated checks are not acceptable. Checks not paid upon presentation to the bank will automatically cancel any receipts given and result in assessment of penalties. It is important that you retain all fee receipts.

Ohio University reserves the right to make, without prior notice, any fee adjustments that may become necessary. Graduate students carrying more than eight hours are eligible for the Monthly Payment Plan, which equalizes the academic year’s fees into nine monthly payments.

Registration Fees


Fees for tuition include the instructional fee and the general fee. This figure excludes fees for special courses, such as art, aviation, education, human and consumer sciences, journalism, music, recreation and sport sciences, and visual communication, which are listed in the quarterly Schedule of Classes. Ohio University reserves the right to make, without prior notice, any fee adjustments that may become necessary.

Some colleges assess a fee for computing and other technology. For current rates and listing of colleges, please go to and click on “Tuition and Fees.”

Bills are sent electronically approximately four weeks before the quarter opening date. Payment is due two weeks prior to the quarter opening date. Refer to the Office of the Bursar Web page ( for all payment options.

Miscellaneous Fees*

Admission application filing fees are listed in the Application and Admission section of this catalog.
    Late registration fee-varies
(check quarterly Schedule of Classes)
  Duplicate official forms, fee receipts, etc.
  Application for graduation
  Reapplication for graduation
  Transcript of record

*These fees are nonrefundable and subject to change without notice.

Fees can be paid by a check or money order made out to Ohio University. You can pay through the mail or in person at the cashier’s office in Chubb Hall if you are enrolling on the Athens campus, or at the regional campus Office of Student Services if you are enrolling on one of the regional campuses. Credit card payments are accepted at regional campuses for regional campus students only.

Credit card payments can also be made using CASHnet SMARTPAY ( This is a service that allows you to pay your University charges on the Internet. A service charge based on the transaction amount will be assessed.

Post-dated checks are not accepted, and checks issued to the University and not paid upon presentation to the bank will automatically cancel any receipts given and result in the assessment of penalties.

You are responsible for any University communication sent to you at your official University e-mail address (Oak account) and/or to the mailing address on file with the Office of the University Registrar.

Current registration fees are available online at:



Domestic Students: All domestic students taking seven or more credit hours must carry health insurance if they are enrolled on the Athens campus. An accident and sickness insurance plan (Domestic Plan) designed to supplement the care provided by the Student Health Service is automatically billed to all students meeting this guideline. Domestic students can complete a waiver declaration, if they have comparable coverage. Students must submit the waiver option statement printed on the fee bill or go to the Bursar’s Office in Chubb Hall to complete a waiver card. You may also waive the insurance charge while viewing your electronic bill. You must enter the name and policy number of your insurance company. Dependent coverage is also available through this office.

International Students: All international students taking one or more credit hours must carry the Ohio University health insurance if they are enrolled on the Athens campus. An accident and sickness insurance plan (International Plan) is automatically billed to all students meeting this guideline. Only those international students with government sponsors that provide acceptable health insurance can apply for a waiver of the University health insurance. Waivers of health insurance for international students may only be granted by the Office of International Student and Faculty Services. International students are also required to purchase insurance coverage for their dependents, and must make arrangements for this when they arrive to begin their studies. Failure to do so will result in a registration hold on the student’s account.

Refund of Fees


University Refund Policy for Withdrawal. Ohio University refunds fees or credits your account 30 days after the date of withdrawal, according to the following schedule:

  1. If you officially withdraw from the University (cancellation of registration) before the first day of classes, you are entitled to a 100 percent refund of registration fees.
  2. If you officially withdraw from the University during the first 15 calendar days of the quarter (see the academic calendar), you are entitled to an 80 percent refund if your registration fees were paid in full.
  3. If you withdraw from the University after the first 15 calendar days of classes, you are not entitled to a refund of registration fees.

If you withdraw from the University before full payment of fees is made, you are considered indebted to the University for the amount determined according to the refund regulations. A hold will be placed on your records until your debt is paid.

Refund Policy for Reducing Course Load. If you drop credit hours before or during the first 15 calendar days of the quarter, you are entitled to receive a 100 percent refund of the reduction when such changes result in a reduction of fees. For example, if you are registered for 11 hours and drop a 5-hour course, you will receive 100 percent of the difference in tuition for dropping from full-time to part-time. However, if you have 15 hours and drop to 11 hours, it does not affect the tuition, because the standard tuition rate applies to a course load of 11 through 20 hours. Course load reductions made after the 15th calendar day of the quarter will result in no refund. Corrected registration that results in increased hours could increase tuition. Further information regarding the refund of fees can be obtained from the bursar’s office.

Ohio Residency Guidelines


Ohio University assesses tuition costs based on the student’s status as an in-state or out-of-state resident. Residency status is determined with the initial application a student makes to Ohio University. The Residency Information form in the graduate application is used to determine residency status. However, students who had previously been admitted to Ohio University as a non-resident must petition for a change of residency status if they have established themselves as a resident under the resident for tuition purposes policy. Changes from non-resident to resident status are not automatic. Graduate students are notified of their current residency status in the letter of admission sent by the Office of Graduate Studies. If you believe that your residency status is incorrect, it is your responsibility to contact Graduate Studies to discuss the reasons for your residency classification. The complete policy on Ohio residency is included for your reference in the appendix at the back of this catalog.

In general, you pay in-state tuition if you are a permanent resident of Ohio, which means that you-or your parent(s), guardian(s), or spouse if you are a dependent-have lived in Ohio for 12 consecutive months or more preceding your enrollment at Ohio University. Evidence of Ohio residence includes proof that: (1) you (or your parents, guardians, or spouse) are totally self-supported from income derived from within the state of Ohio and have subjected that income to Ohio taxation; (2) you (or your parents or guardians) are eligible to receive Ohio state welfare benefits; and (3) you (or your parents or guardians) are a resident of the State of Ohio for all other legal purposes (i.e. driver’s license, voter’s registration, car registration).

It is your responsibility to report a change of address and/or residency from an Ohio resident to a non-Ohio resident at the Office of Graduate Studies. If your residency has changed to an Ohio resident, you must file a residency petition (complete with documentation to verify your statements) with the Office of Graduate Studies. No change of residency from non-resident to resident can be made until the residency petition has been approved by the Director of Graduate Student Services. The residency petition must be filed before the last day to register for class in order for it to be effective for that quarter. Residency decisions are not retroactive to previous quarters. Direct questions concerning residency to the Office of Graduate Studies.